Crash and Burn

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Hannah sighed at hearing her phone ringing, reaching over with her eyes close answering it, "What." A slight laugh on the other end of the line, "You sound so nice when you first wake up." "Abby why are you calling me at like 2 in the morning?" A groan from next to her can be heard making her peak over seeing Charlie roll towards her cracking his eyes open, "We need you over at Livs." She sits straight up at that, "Is she okay?" "Yeah, she's fine Amanda's missing." She lets out a relieved sigh at that, feeling slightly guilty at that. 

"Okay, I'll be there in ten minutes, bye." Hanging up before she can respond she rolls towards him, kissing him softly "I have to go, the problems never stop." He grumbles at that, whining softly, "Can't you just call back and say you're sick?" She laughs at that, "You know I can't do that." He pouts at her before sighing, "Fine. Please drive safe. Love you." With that he falls back asleep leaving her shocked, she smiles widely to herself she gets out of bed and gets dressed, hitting the bathroom to brush her teeth, stopping back in the bedroom and smiling softly down at him, kissing his head whispering "I love you." 

Walking out of her building she's walking to her car when someone rushes behind her, injecting her with something instantly knocking her out. 


Liv and the rest of the team are in her apartment still waiting for Hannah to show up, all still working. Liv looks over at Abby, "How long did she say she was going to be?" The redhead looks down at her phone, "She said she would be here in ten minutes, thirty minutes ago. I'll give her another call, see what's keeping her." With that she steps out of the room, dialing Hannah's number again only to get voicemail. Scrunching her brows at that she walked back into the living room, "She didn't answer, I got voicemail." 

The team all share worried looks before Liv sighs then speaks up, "She's probably fine, maybe just fell back asleep. Huck if we haven't heard from her in a couple of hours, I want you to try calling her again." He nods before continuing to look out the window before speaking up, "There's someone watching you." Liv looks confused, "What?" "Your trash is gone, and it's not trash day, and there's a sedan parked across the street with U.S. government plates and tinted windows." 

Liv shakes her head, "What about Amanda, Huck?" "Whoever it was came up through the service elevator, picked the lock on the back door, sedated her, taped her up then got her in a duffel bag. In and out, probably seven minutes, six if they were quick." Liv furrows her brows at that, "How do you know?" He shrugs "That's how I would do it." 

He turns back to the window before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone, clicking Hannahs contact and calling her, holding the phone to his ear he waits, hoping to hear her voice only to get voicemail. Shaking his head, he thinks to himself, almost praying that she's just asleep. 


Huck waited about a couple hours after getting in the office to look into Hannah, Amanda far from his worries. He checked into her phone histories, recent receipts, recent everything. Nothing really spoke out to him, so he thought maybe nothing happened, maybe he thought to himself, maybe she's just sleeping in. Trying to call her again, her phone went straight to voicemail. 

He sighed to himself before rubbing his head then grabs his jacket leaving the office. Getting into his car he headed to her apartment hoping she would be there. Pulling into the parking lot of her building he checks out the street finding any and all cameras. He slowly walks to the door to the building then to her floor. 

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