White Hats Off

430 17 6

Seven Months later

"Now remember, when we go out there you stay next to me, you don't try anything, or you will be getting punished." She nods obediently. He grins, knowing she won't try anything he holds the door open for her gesturing for her to walk through it. She hesitates, looking over at him for permission, gaining it she walks out the front door. She looks around the neighborhood they're in, finding it beautiful, the wind is blowing softly, creating a soft welcoming breeze, she closes her eyes at it, finding comfort at it. 

He takes her hand and leads her to the car opening the door for her, she gets in, keeping her eyes on the window appreciating the trees, and the people walking around. His door slams shut, gaining her attention, her eyes shoot over to him, "We're going to grab some things at the grocery store then we'll go to the park for the picnic I promised." She smiles softly, softly speaking, "Okay." He smiles at her reaching across the seat to hold her hand as he drives. 

Pulling into a parking space at the store, he looks over at her, "Do not try anything." "I won't." He smiles at that, "Good girl." He reaches across to caress her face softly. They get out of the car and head into the store, he hands her a list of things they need they walk around getting everything on the small list. Standing in the checkout line they're waiting when he sighs looking over at her, "Can you go get napkins I forgot them..." He leans down to whisper in her ear, "Do not try anything Hannah, I promise it will bring you nothing but misery." She nods shakily before walking to the isle, keeping her head down. 

She's looking at the different brands trying to find the smallest amount for the cheapest, when she bumps into someone. She flinches, instantly apologizing, "I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." A familiar voice responds, "Its... Hannah?" She looks up sharply, gasping at seeing such a familiar face, "Rowan?" He raises a brow at her sunken pale face, "Olivia said you've been missing for a while." She gasps before launching herself at him, "Help me. You have to help me please, he's here. He's going to keep me please help me." He grabs her arms gently rubbing them, "Who, Hannah?" "What's taking so long baby?" "Steve?" His face falls, looking between the two and seeing how close they are, he takes a step back before turning and making a run for it. 

Rowan scoffs at the man, looking back down at the confused woman, "Lets get you to a hospital, you can tell me about how you met Steve." She nods, numbly following him out of the store and into a very nice car. She blankly stares out the window, not understanding what just happened. Getting to the hospital, she instantly gets taken back to get checked out, doctors and nurses alike trying to talk to her, yet no words come from the young woman. 

Rowan sighs from the corner of the room, "Hannah you have to tell them what's wrong with you, what might need to be looked at. I need you to answer some questions for me." She looks at him for a moment before asking blankly, "Why did he run from you?" He sighs at that, "There are some things that you don't know about me, you never needed to know about me." "Well now i want to know." He sighs deeply, "I run a government agency, called B613." She stares blankly at him, unbelieving. 

"You, run B613." He nods, and she turns her head to the window in the room to continue staring blankly at it. He sighs to himself, "What did he do to you? Did he hit you, force himself on you? The doctors need to know these things." She shrugs a shoulder at him, "Yes." Refusing to say anything else about it, continuing to stare out the window.

He sighs before stepping out the door, telling the doctors what she confirmed. Doctors come in to ask her questions, but she simply ignores them focus entirely on the window. The doctors leave her alone finally, one doctor staying in the room, "You're tough, for surviving what you went through." She looks over at him, staring blankly at him. "You need anything at all, and you don't want to be bothered by the other doctors and their perkiness you can have the nurses page me, I'm Dr. Karev." She gives a shallow nod before looking back at the window. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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