Enemy of The State

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Heading to Olivia's after getting a very rushed call, Hannah is instantly worried about her. Arriving at Livs at the same time as Stephen both look at each other in worry. "Do you know what happened? She sounded very panicked when she called me." He shrugs before knocking, "I guess we'll find out though." Liv opens her door staring at them with a look of lost across her face. "You know what's interesting about being engaged? Fiancées do not like it when you get out of bed at three in the morning to go see another woman, well in my case two women. But you called, so here I am." 

Liv robotically walks back inside her apartment Hannah and Stephen share another look of worry, "Liv? Hey Liv." Hannah softly grabs her arm facing her towards them, "Liv, what's going on."  She ignores them reaching for the bottle of wine he brought and pouring herself a very generous pour and chugging it down before repeating the process. 

She finally speaks after a moment, "Amanda's asleep in the guest room, I don't want to wake her." Stephen pulls the glass away from her "Whatever it is, we'll fix it." Olivia shakes walks over to a drawer and slams items on the counter, laughing in shock, "You should have seen me forcing water down her throat. It was like something out of Abu Ghraib." Hannah raises her brow, "Let me this straight, Amanda Tanner is-" "Pregnant. With the President's baby, yes." 

Stephen and Hannah share another look before he speaks up, "Right, and how sure are you that it's his?" She takes a tense breath, "I'm sure." Hannah looks at the tests in shock, unable to process that this happening. He looks between the girls, "How bad is this for you both? I know you both are friends with the President and his wife. There is no shame in saying you can't handle this." Before Liv can even answer her phone rings, she takes the call. 

He looks over at the younger girl, "How are you feeling? Can you do this, handle this case?" She is still looking at the tests in a state of disbelief, unable to process this. "I can handle this. Easy peasy." Liv turns back to them, "We gotta go. I need to go put some decent clothes on, and we'll take your car because i think I've had too much wine to drive, give me two minutes and I'll be ready." Hannah gives her a look of disbelief, "Liv." She shakes her head "No I'm fine. really, I'm good now. I can handle this and anything else that's thrown at us." holding up two fingers she continues, "two minutes.

The other two share a look, "You heard the lady, she only needs two minutes." He sighs at her before nodding both heading to the door to wait for her. She looks at him for a second, "You know, I am so proud of you. Proposing to Georgia? You're engaged. You deserve nothing but happiness." He smiles down at her "I never imagined myself ever getting engaged. It's amazing, she's engaged. Thank you for bullying me into it. Now we just have to find you a man." A small laugh escapes her before she can even help herself, "Who says I don't already have one?" That's when Liv walks around the corner heading for them, "Lets go." 


Getting off the elevator and being met by the rest of the team Quinn defends herself before anyone else can say anything, "I didn't know. They barged in, they wouldn't even say who they were." Hannah smiles softly at her, "You did the right thing, you were alone." She shakes her head in denial, "I should have stopped them, i just surrendered without a fight. I gave up the whole office." Liv speaks up "Who's speaking at the O.A.S.?"

Hannah rapidly responds, "Bolivia, Brazil, Haiti, Honduras." She smiles at Huck who stands next to her, "You want me to get my gun?" Quinn whips around at that "You have a gun?" Abby smirks at the shock look on her, "I do too." Liv shakes her head at them moving forward to the soldiers, looking at the team over her shoulder sternly saying, "No guns."

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