Hell Hath No Fury

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The team are gathered outside the conference room while Amanda Tanner stands in it. Hannahs unfocused though, barely able to hear what anyone is saying. She's standing there with everyone, right next to Huck and Liv, yet everything sounds muffled. She can't focus. She looks down at the ground takes a deep breath and counts to ten, and slowly everything fades in, letting her hear Abby and Stephen going back and forth. Her hand shakes softly as she lifts it up to push some hair behind her ear. "We're not voting." Hannah and Liv speak at the same time.

She gasps as soon as the pictures fall out. All of them are of her.

Stephen of course ignored both girls speaking again "It's Monica all over again. This time there isn't a blue dress, this time we have no proof!" Abby shrugs "Who needs proof? This girl said she slept with the President." "Liv and Hannah worked and worked closely with the White House, that itself makes this a huge conflict of interests." "Oh please" Abby huffs "Call me when you grow a pair." Olivia shakes her head softly, "We're not voting." Huck looks over at the girl "She looks scared. So if we were voting, i'd vote yes." He then looks next to him at the unusually quiet woman, furrowing his brow he touches her arm gently which causes her to jump in shock her eyes shooting up to him.

Harrison had walked in while Hannah was having her freak out updating them on who was on the phone with him, "It's Sandra Harding. Son didn't make it to court. Can you believe it? First day of court. Anyways who are we voting for?" Hannah finally speaks up, "We are not voting. She is ours, the case has already been taken." Her voice is rough which causes a few looks never hearing her talk like that. Liv and Huck both look down at her in worry.

Hannah takes the phone from Harrison, "Sandra, we'll take care of it." "I'll go to the court house and help the defense stall." Olivia shakes her head "You're gonna have to get creative, Harrison you're with me. Huck, you and Hannah find Gideon at the 'D.C. Sun' I want to talk to him today. Abby you take Amanda with you and pack her things, make sure-" "No one is following us, and get her set up at your apartment. Got it." Abby nods before marching off. Everyone else nodding and leaving to do their tasks.

Huck and Hannah go to his office to grab his car keys, "You're not acting like you usually do." It's a simple statement really, but if Huck is mentioning it he must be worrying. "I'm fine." They're heading to his car now. He shakes his head not really believing her but knowing she's too hard headed to say something otherwise. A sigh escapes him "Fine, if you say you're fine then i believe you. But you know i'm here if you need anything Hannah." She winces mentally, him full naming her is like a mom middling naming their child, trouble is all it means. "I'm handling it." A lie really, she doesn't even know how to handle it, she should she's smart but this happening to her makes her loose all of her common sense.

She shakes her head to get rid of those thoughts "So theres something that needs handling?" A small laugh escapes without her even meaning it "What did you tell Quinn? 'We're fixers? If there's a problem then fix it'? Well that's what i'm doing." Pulling into Gideons apartment complex Huck parks the car with a sigh. "I was telling her that because that's her job, our job, but if something is going on in your life then let me help. You've helped me so much since i've known you." Hannah laughs gently "Huck. You don't owe me anything, now lets go deal with this or else Olivia might someone feel the disturbance in the universe of us not doing out job." With a laugh she gets out of the car heading towards the building Huck following a few paces behind her.


"Have you seen these before?" Charlie asks standing up from his seat. She softly shakes her head picking through them. There has to be at least 50 pictures all of her. He gently pulls her into a hug, "I can buy you new locks and i can install a security system. If that would make you feel safer. I'm going to call my boss and tell him i can't be in for a while i want to stay with you until we figure out who's doing this." She sniffles softly, "Yes please. To all of that."

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