Surprises & Challenges

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Draco leaves the room, marches to the back garden and sits on a bench. Lucius stood in silence still, Narcissa just looked at him, it is unsure on whether she gave him the face of boredom or disgust. Then she opened her mouth and for the first time in a long while, she spoke from the heart:

"You really don't get it, do you? He's grown up now, and you can't boss him 'round no-more. You think you know what he likes when you barely let him speak, or when he does you cut him off and tell him that he's wrong. Is that really what you want to be for him?"

She looks at him, not wanting to continue to take in the fact that their son would rather be around a muggleborn then his own parents.

"It's not just that she makes him a better person.. and she does. He changes her too. He challenges her... surprises her. He makes her question her life, beliefs, and her thoughts. He is either the best thing for her, or the worst."

Now Lucius feels embarrassed for what he's done, "They may be opposites, Lucius, but so were Tom and Lily..."


While Narcissa gave her speech to Lucius, Hermione is at the top of the stairs listening to them talking.

Once they were through, Hermione walks down the hallway to a window by the edge of the house, she sees Draco sitting alone on the bench. While she taps on the glass window, Draco sits using his wand to elevate a flower from the garden in different directions.

After awhile he notices the tapping, turns to the window and sees Hermione gesturing for him to come back inside.

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