It's Official

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Voldemort evaporates. The crowd cheers and disfigured itself back to the first floor to turn the grieving vibe to splendor and happiness.

At the moment that the Dark Lord left, Draco turned around with his head down to then look up to Hermione with her tearful eyes, her mascara dripping down her cheeks and her two front teeth were gripping onto her bottom lip.

Draco tries to think of something to keep her calm, but nothing comes to mind. Instead she barges in on his thought process with a good wet kiss on the lips.

She leans away to look into his eyes, "I thought you were dead.."

"Most of me was, but the one thing that stayed alive was the same thing that gave me the spark to stand up to Him"

"And that is..?"

"I'm in love with a muggleborn"

"I could've told you that. Only it'd be coming from me to you"

"Then say it Mrs Malfoy.."

"Alright Mr Malfoo- What did you just call me?"

"Do you like it? I know that we still have another year to go, but the truth is that I want you to just be happy. Happy with yourself, with your life, and with the work that you may get into after we leave Hogwarts," he says this with joy, yet his next statement is full of curiosity.

"And maybe, just maybe I could sneak in and be a part of the bundle within your life..?"

"Draco, of course I want you as a part of my life. You definitely have been for years now," she gives him a sweet kiss on the cheek.

"So it is official then," Hermione smiles at him. "Then I guess that there's only one more question that I have to ask you, Hermione"

"Go ahead Draco"

"I don't think that I should just blurb it all out," he gives her a look of uncertainty then he gives her a full-out smile.

He turns back around to write in the air, "My love is only for a smart muGgleborn"

Then the letters break and switch places with each other to form, "Marry me hermione Granger?"

He kneels down to one knee, and he says, "Will you?"

"Well we've come this far, now haven't we, Malfoy."

They both smiled from ear to ear and together they jumped up into each other's arms.

Now they were off to live in a world where they were not told to be separated.

The rebellion was over, or so it seemed.

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