《 19 》

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Minho POV ••• ᓚᘏᗢ

Minho let out the breath he didn't know was holding in. His heart was pounding and he didn't know why.

So he just sat on his bed, confused.

There was one thing he did know though. Whatever his reaction was, it was caused by a certain someone named Han Jisung.

"Hey Minnie, are you almost ready to go back to Japan?" Keiko asked, walking into the room. Since Felix and Jeongin were out, Keiko felt comfortable coming over.

"I'm not going back," Minho said, his voice flat. It was a drastic change in his demeanor from only moments earlier.

"What do you mean?" Keiko said, sitting next to Minho on the bed.

"I'm going to stay in Korea," Minho replied emotionlessly.

"Why not?" Keiko pressed, slight agression creeping into her tone.

"I made plans for the week around Christmas, and I forgot to tell you about them," Minho explained.

"We had this planned for two weeks? How do you plan something when we already have something planned?" Keiko demanded. "Or does meeting my family mean that little to you?"

"That's not it!" Minho replied. "I made those plans in September! I truly did forget to mention it, I'm sorry."

"Lemme guess, it's with the friends you won't let me meet."

"No, I-"

"I'll just go back to Japan," Keiko interrupted, getting off of the bed and walking out of the room. "See you in January, Minho."

The door slammed, and Minho stood there, dumbfounded. That was the first time since they had started dating that Keiko had called him by his real name. It was strange, but he didn't mind it that much. Minho didn't like being called Minnie anyways. Too feminine for his taste.

"Is everything all good?" Felix asked as he walked into the room, pulling out Minho's desk chair to sit on, facing the older. "I ran into Keiko storming out, and I wanted to make sure you guys didn't break up. You didn't, right?"

"I...we, uh I don't know honestly."

"What happened?" Felix asked, concern lacing his soft features.

"I told her that I didn't want to go back to Japan just yet, since we're gonna go to the concert, and she got mad at me. She just left to go back to Japan."

"You're not going, right?"

"No, I'd never cancel on you guys," Minho said quickly. "Keiko just gets like this and it's annoying."

"You know what I've noticed?" Felix said.

"What?" Minho asked, curious about what Felix could possibly say. It could be anything with the blonde, but judging by his serious tone, it probably wouldn't be a joke.

"Keiko calls you all of these nicknames," Felix started, "and you just call her Keiko. And it's not because you don't like nicknames, you use them for us; but for her, you just call her by her name. Nothing special."

"Oh." Minho hadn't even realised that. He just never felt comfortable enough around Keiko to feel like he could call her anything else, even though they were dating.

"Tell me,

Why are you even dating Keiko in the first place?"


fin du chapitre

I just spilled a whole fruit cup on my lap💀

I somehow manage to spill the fruit every time I eat a fruit cup. Am I cursed? Is this a form of punishment? Why is it like this?

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