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Friday, February 24th

Yesterday I had gotten my results back from Dr. Hoppus. I was, in fact, colorblind. I would never see color, ever. It took me some time to process that.

Yeah, I knew that this was probably the case since Tré was 99.99% sure he was my soulmate, but it being confirmed just... kinda freaked me out. Like, there was a small chance that Tré was wrong, and that I wasn't his. But I am. Which isn't a bad thing at all! He's incredible! Its just the fact that I'll never see any pretty colors, that one of my 5 senses is... off, and the fact that I'll never experience anything fully. There are whole websites dedicated on spots to visit when you find your soulmate, and those most definitely look better in color. I'll never fully experience it.

But, on a happier note, I get to go on a date with Tré today! After I told him what Dr. Hoppus said, he planned a date for us. He's taking us to a roller skating rink! I'd never been skating, but Tré knows how to, so maybe he'll be able to teach me.

But now I need something to wear for this date. Last time I just put on a cute outfit by accident, but I don't know what the chances of that happening again are. So I had Mike here, giving me input.

"Try this on, it has the spirit of a skater punk." He handed me a black Ramones t-shirt, black sweatpants, a dark grey studded belt I somehow owned, and a black jacket I hadn't worn in years.

"You sure about this, man?" I held the clothes in my arms, wondering if half the stuff even fit me. I think he only chose this stuff because they were greyscale and I could see it.

"Yeah! Tré's gonna think you look really hot. Trust me." Mike said, shooing me off to my bathroom to change. I did trust him. But what if he's wrong? What if Tré thought I wasn't good looking enough? What if he left me? We're soulmates, but he could live his life alone. Hell, there's been tons of studies, and anywhere from 10-14% of people leave their soulmates! Tré could become part of that statistic! Yeah, but he literally planned this date, dumbass.

Anyways, I changed into the "skater punk" outfit, looking over myself in the mirror. I guess I looked good. Actually, I looked really good, but I don't want Mike to know that. Then he'll be right about something. Hopefully Tré will think I look pretty.

I left the bathroom, showing off his choices. Mike had me spin around a couple times, which made me feel like an idiot. Then he took a picture of me to send to Kevin, which made me feel like I was their child about to go to prom. Finally, he told me that I looked great, and that Tré was going to be blown away by how I look.

"Alright, I get it. I look good. Now, leave, Tré's coming soon. I don't want him to know I needed help to pick something to wear."

"Okay fine, I'm going! Have fun on your date!" And then Mike left my room. I listened to him drive off, and waited for the sound of Tré to drive in. It didn't take long, as I heard a knock on my door after about 10 minutes. I went downstairs, feeling the belt against me. Maybe I shouldn't wear it. Well. Can't change out now, since I was already at the door.

I opened the door and saw Tré. He looked good, being dressed in bright/white colors. Complete opposite to me. Oh God did I dress wrong? Fuck.

"Hey Billie! How's your day been?" Tré happily said, grinning at me. He looked over my outfit, his eyes widening. "Fuck, man, you look incredible." And, wow, just like that, all my worries are gone. Crazy how that works!

"Eh, it's been alright. Hope it gets better now that you're here. And you look great, too." Let's go, me! I'm flirting! Or at least trying too!

"Oh, well, thanks. Hope I can live up to your expectations. But, um, we should probably get going. Wanna spend as much time as possible with you." Tré said, his smile still on his face. I'm so glad that I know he's mine. I get to appreciate all his smiles.

Beautiful, Grey World (Trillie)Where stories live. Discover now