Sunday, April 23rd

It'd been almost 2 months since me and Tré had got together. They were the best (almost) 2 months of my entire life. Tré is one of- no, the perfect man on the whole fucking universe! We haven't been on a whole lot of dates, as either I'm working or he has something to do for school, but whenever we do get to see each other, its like I'm living in a fairy tale!

And, for our 2 month anniversary, he's coming over today to just hang out, and he's also staying the night! I don't actually know what we're going to do, but I'm sure we'll figure something out.

I check the clock: 9:48. Yeah, I woke up early, even though its a weekend. I wanted to see Tré earlier. And, just as I think that, I hear knocking on my door. Tré!

I walked over to my front door, smiling so much that it almost hurt. I opened the door, seeing the beautiful face of my Tré.

"Hey, beautiful. Didn't think you'd be up so early!" Tré said, closing the door behind him as he entered.

"Shut up! I just wanted to see you sooner..." I said, faking being upset. "Now, c'mon. I got a lot of shows we can watch!" I led him to my couch, waiting for him to sit down so I could sit as close as possible to him.

"What d'ya wanna watch first, honey?" Tré asked, already holding the remote. I thought about it for a while, since I didn't actually have any idea. Kinda hoped Tré would.

"Uhhhh... I don't know... but I'm in a romance/drama mood. So pick something in that genre."

Tré nodded, searching to find something that fit my tastes. Which didn't exactly take long. He picked a show at random, and we watched in mostly silence.

The show started out with a woman whose finacé had left her for her best friend. Then, her boss fired her. She was left alone, with pretty much no one to help her. And I don't know why, but I kinda related to it? The feeling of being alone, no one around, just myself and my thoughts...

"Billie? You okay?" Tré asked, his voice bringing me out of my little trance.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm good. Its just... I really relate to her, y'know? At least, sometimes I worry all the bad things that happen to her could... happen to me."

Tré stared at me, and I could tell he was thinking. "Billie... have you been taking your depression meds?"

His words struck me hard. My eyes went wide and I moved away from him. "Um, well, not... not today..." Tré waited for me to continue, since he clearly thought that wasn't the whole truth. Which it wasn't.

"I haven't taken them since... about 3 weeks ago, I think..." I said quietly, moving farther away from Tré. I couldn't even look him in the eyes.

"Billie... why?" He asked, sounding concerned. I would've almost preferred him being angry. Now, he'll be concerned and try to help me, which will probably make me cry. I haven't really been cared for.

"I don't know... I just felt better being with you... so I stopped taking them."

"Honey, that's really not good for you. You might feel better now, but if something bad happens to you, like that guy who tried to force you to look at him or even just seeing bad things happen to others, your gonna feel so much worse. I don't want you to think that I'm mad at you, but sugar coating this won't help."

His words hurt, but deep down, I knew Tré was right. Hell, he had just proven it. He had also moved closer to me while he was speaking, so now he was holding my hands. Not in a romantic way, but in a "you really gotta fix this" way.

"I know you're right. I'm sorry. I'll... I'll try to fix it." I looked up at Tré, getting the courage to actually look him in the eyes. He had a soft smile on his face.

"That's good. Admitting your mistakes and working on fixing it. One of the many reasons I love you." Damn. He can make me blush even when I'm feeling down.

"I'm gonna take my medicine now. Try to get back into that habit." I got up and walked away from Tré and into my bathroom. It was gonna be hard to do this, especially since I hate swallowing pills. It's way easier to just skip taking them. But I can't lie to Tré. No matter what. So I guess I gotta take it.

I walked out of the bathroom, seeing Tré still sitting on my couch, fidgeting with the remote. I came up from behind him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Hey honey. I did it. Can we continue watching the show? Maybe I won't start crying, heh."

"Good job, Billie. And yeah, we can continue watching. Just come sit next to me." I gladly obliged, sitting as close as I could to my boyfriend. Tré wrapped his arm around me, and I rested my head on his shoulder. It was way nicer than being with him normally is. Maybe it was because I wasn't as anxious and afraid as I normally am. Or I guess its more like was.

After a couple hours has passed, both of us were hungry. I was gonna take him out to a fancy diner, but apparently Tré knows how to cook well. He made is lunch, and later dinner. I felt a little guilty, since he was doing so much for me and I was giving him nothing. But when I brought this up, all Tré had to say was, "Oh, it's nothing honey, really. Just you being with me is enough." God. He's too fucking sweet.

Eventually, once it got dark, we decided to go to bed. Tré actually wanted to get in bed with me. Was not expecting that.  I was really thinking that either me or him would sleep on the couch. But this was still okay!

Tré sat down on my bed, looking at Snowdrop. "You kept this little guy?" He asked, stroking the plush fur.

"Yea, of course I did. Why wouldn't I keep a present from you?" I said, kissing him.

"Well, when I gave it to you, I wasn't exactly... really nice to you. To be honest, I kinda hated you. Not anymore! But... still..."

I was a little shocked. I noticed that Tré didn't like me back then, but I would still keep a gift from him.

"Honey, I did realize that you didn't like me, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna appreciate any gifts from you. In fact, because you didn't like me, those gifts felt... like... better? Because you still cared enough to get me something. 3 somethings, actually!"

Tré rested his head on my shoulder, sighing. "I guess you're right. I still feel sorry about that, though."

"Don't be, honey. Its ok. I forgive past-you. Now, I'm really tired, so can we go to bed? Pretty please?"

Tré laughed a little, nodding his head. "I'm fucking exhausted after that talk." We got underneath the covers, Tré wrapping one arm around me and pulling me close.

"Goodnight, Billie. Sleep well."

"You too, honey."

Best sleep I've ever gotten.

Beautiful, Grey World (Trillie)Where stories live. Discover now