20 [epilogue]

56 4 14

Friday, October 11th

I stood in some room of some church, preparing myself. 5 months of planning for this, and it had to be perfect. My suit? Perfect. My walking down the aisle? Perfect. My vows? Perfect. When I kiss Tré at the alter, making us officially husbands? You guessed it, perfect.

Mike was also in here with me, but he was way less helpful. He was just reassuring me that whatever happened, Tré would love it because he loved me. Even if I stuttered, or tripped, or kissed him a bit to early, or whatever. But his words did nothing against my nerves.

"Dude, you really gotta chill out. I don't think I was nearly this nervous when I got married."

"No, no you definitely were. I had to give you a whole 'you and Kevin are literally perfect together shut up' speech."

Mike snapped his fingers, making some noise of recognition. "You're right! I forgot about that. Anyways, you'll be fine. No matter what happens, it'll be memorable for Tré. And I mean that in a good way, by the way."

I sighed, running a hand down my face. "I know your right, but my brain just does not care. I'm still fucking nervous."

"It'll get easier once you're actually up there. Seeing your soon-to-be husband standing in front of you, knowing that in a few moments, you'll be closer than before, it drives your nerves away."

I smirked at his words. I could tell Mike was reminiscing about when he was up at the altar. And when I looked at him, yep, his eyes were staring at a wall, a small, but loving smile on his face.

"I guess I should trust you. Now, stop being gay and get over here. I need help with my makeup."

After only a few more minutes (which felt so, so, so long), it was time for me to go out. Mike linked his arm with mine, and we walked out, the bridal song playing.

As I walked down the aisle, I glimpsed at the faces of the people sitting in those uncomfortable plastic chairs. There weren't many, maybe under 20 guests. Most of them were Mike's friends, but I recognized a fair few. Adrienne (and her newly-found girlfriend, Sara), Jason, who had flown once he heard I was getting married ("Of course I'll come! Haven't seen you in forever, dude!), pretty much my entire family (minus Matthew, of course), and then there were a couple of Tré's college friends. I didn't know them by names, but I did know their faces.

Mike led my up the stairs to the thing the pastor stands in front of, then stood behind me. He whispered some words of encouragement, but I didn't clearly hear him. I was too busy admiring my Tré.

Good God, he looked gorgeous. His hair was practically shining, his eyes were just so full of love and adoration (all for me!!), his smile was just so wide, and he looked stunning in his suit. It was white, with supposedly yellow accents. Who cares, he looked pretty in it. And when he took my hands in his (man, this sounds so stupid but its true), I was instantly taken back to the first time we met, when we shook hands and I wrongfully thought he was a drummer. I was so stupid back then.

I was taken back to reality when Tré let go of my hands, and I realized he was reading his vows. The fun part!

"Uh, I don't really know how to start these, so I'll just get into it. Billie, we've been through a lot together. And I would go through all of that with you again, and again, and again. I love you so much, and you deserve do much. So I vow to always love you, no matter what happens. I vow to always make you feel happy and to try and cheer you up if you don't. And I vow to try and help you achieve your dreams, no matter how outlandish you think they are."

Tré was tearing up after his speech, and I wanted to wipe his tears away and kiss him better. But I couldn't. Not yet. I had to speak and say words that could never match up to what Tré had said.

"Y'know, I know that I'm not very good with words. But I'll try. Tré, even before I knew we were soulmates, I was so in love with you. I told myself that I couldn't fall in love with you, and that you weren't mine. But once we found out, I tried to show you all the love I felt for you. I don't know if I succeeded, but considering we're here right now, I think I have. But, um, I vow to tell you your drawings are so good, no matter what you think of them. I vow to never make you feel upset, and to help you through any hard times you may go through. And I vow that you'll never see a day where you don't feel loved and adored."

Then the pastor (I found out later the official term was an officiant, but he looked like a pastor, so who cares?) said the thing. Hearing Tré say "I do" felt so amazing. I knew he would say it, of course, but it being real and official was fucking magical.

Once I said "I do" as well, I grabbed Tré by his shoulders, kissing him passionately and probably also a little aggressively. I heard Mike whistle, so yeah, definitely a little aggressive. But after we broke apart, Tré was grinning, he liked it, I don't care what anyone thinks.

Then, we were walking towards a table full of food. I sat down as close to Tré as a could, giving him a lot of kisses all over his face, plus some on his neck.

"You're my husband. Husband! Oh my god, its amazing! You're vows were so good, honey. I loved it. I love you." Tré's words just flowed out of his mouth, and he was smiling so wide. I couldn't get a word in, but I didn't care. He was happy, I'm happy.

I rested my head on his shoulder, looking around the venue. Tré had picked out most of the decorations, making sure most of them were black and white so I got the full experience. The accent color was orange, since it was a color with the most contrast from black and white. There were also a bunch of snowdrops in vases everywhere. Snowdrop the plush cat was also there, in its own little chair.

Mike and Kevin were sitting near us, talking to Jason. My family was talking to Tré's friends, seeming to get along well. It felt nice. It felt perfect, actually. It was my beautiful, grey world.

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