Chapter 7: Spider!!!!

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Today, I'm laying in bed thinking about how my life has changed over the years. I know, it is kind of a weird thing to think about right? But it has been an experience and a half. I have been so lucky these past few years. I got an amazing scholarship to Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee to go to nursing school. Then, I moved into a beautiful condo/apartment with a amazing woman.Katie, she is like my sister from another mother. God knew our parents couldn't handle us as biological sisters so he made us 'best friend sisters'. I also think about how cool my animals are, my breaded dragon Moe is 3 years old and he is big and adorable. Moe likes to chase my kittens around. I have been very blessed over these past few years. Thank you God!

"My date with Trevor was amazing!" Katie came running into my room.

"Oh what did you guys do?" I asked,looking at her with not such a happy look. She barged in my room at 7am.

"We went to dinner in town, we walked on broadway. Then he took me on a horse and carriage ride through the rest of the town. I laid my head on his shoulder and actually fell sleep in the carriage. I felt bad but oh well it was relaxing." She told me looking up at the ceiling.

"OH MY GOSH." She screamed. She pointed to the ceiling and I almost fainted.

"SHIT!" I screamed getting up out of bed as quickly as I possibly could. My heart was pounding so hard I could barely breathe. THERE WAS A BIG BASKETBALL size SPIDER HANGING ON THE WALL.

"Oh my gosh what do we do?! " Katie begins to cry.

"I don't know what your gonna do but I'm out of here!" I said quickly running out of my room. I don't do spiders, not at all. I see them I run as fast as possible! I hate people who say "I'm sure that tiny spider is more scared of you then you our of it. "

"Alex don't leave me!" She cried. I walked back in there, "Let me call Mack. " I said trying to find his number in my phone. Mack is the landlord and is one of the coolest landlords I have ever had. He is so laid back and if you need anything done he will help you.

"Hey mack..."I said then realized who I called.

"Sorry I'm not a Mack but I do like Mac and cheese..."Diego joked. I put my left hand over my face,"Oh my goodness" I mumbled laughing at his joke.

"What?" He asked.

"I ment to call my landlord." I apologize.

"Haha it ok. Is everything ok?" He asked with a cute chuckle in his voice.

"Eh..... can I ask you a really silly favor?" I cautiously asked.

"Sure... What is your silly favor?" He asked.

"Don't laugh, but Katie and I are deadly afraid of spiders and we have a big spider in my room... Can you come kill it?" I asked feeling like a idiot.

"Yes I'll be there in five minutes. I will kill the deadly spider." He said before hanging up the phone on me. The way he said "I will kill the deadly spider" has me worried.


"So where is the deadly creature?" Diego stood in front of my door looking ridiculous. He was wearing a blue shirt and black pants that look tight as heck and he had a kevlar vest on. Then along with a water gun he had strapped to his pants that looks so real and a paint ball gun around his shoulder.

"What the." I stumbled all over my words trying not to laugh.

"I'm here to kill a spider right?" He asked.

"Yeah common in bug man.." I welcomed him in with a grin on my face. I have never met someone this ridiculous.

"Now show me where is the deadly creature?!" He asked like he was a superhero with his big hands on his waste."My room." I pointed. He ran in there acting as if he was going to fly. I just walked in there shaking my head. He jumped in my room, scaring Katie half to death.

"Now where is it?" He asked in a super hero tone voice. Katie pointed to the right corner of my room.

"AH!" He screamed. He pulled out his paint ball gun that looks so real and shot it. The thing dropped, "OH MY GOSH!" I screamed because the spider dropped near me. Diego ran over and stepped on it then fell on top of me. After about laughing for ten minutes, he helped me up and brought me close to his body. Then the feels begin.. The feeling of being that close to him is just.. Hard to explain.

"Are you ok?" He asked looking at me with those blue eyes. my breath was taken away for a second.

"Yeah..." I smiled. He smiled right back at me, "Don't you know you have beautiful eyes?" He asked out of the blue. I stopped looking at him, "Yeah . " I blushed making him let me go.

"Thank you for killing the spider and making it fun. I need to go to school. Thank you for coming." I said grabbing my bag and storming out of the house.


Diego P.O.V

When Alex left I felt horrible. I felt like I did something wrong.. She gave me such a sad look and rushed out of here before I could say anything.

"Is she ok?" I asked Katie. Katie looked at me like she knew what was up but she wouldn't tell me.

"It is a long story."she replied with a grin on her face.

"I don't think I did anything wrong." I said looking at the door.

"No no. She was hurt in the past. I'll let her tell you in her own time. " Katie told me patting me on the back.Now I see why she kind of acts strange when I get close to her.

"Oh ok. Do you know what happen?" I asked.

"Let her tell you ok, in her own time?" Katie smiled.

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