Chapter 11: Cuddle

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I'm feeling better today, which is good I guess. I was finally able to get some of my school work done this morning.

"Hey girl, how are you feeling?" Katie walked in. I was laying in bed not really wanting to get back up, after I finished an hour of homework.

" I'm ok I guess, how are you?" I yawned. I was hoping to hear from Diego today but he hasn't texted.

"Sad." She sigh.

What's wrong?" I asked. She looked like she was wanting to cry.

"It's nothing." she tried to smile the pain on her face away.

" No, what's wrong?" I demanded to know.

"I think Trevor is done with me." She cried. I hadn't seen her cry this hard since Landon broke up with her.

"Aw, why do you think that?" I asked concerned.

"He has been very distant lately. That is usually a sign that he is no longer interested." She explained. I gave her a big hug,

"Hun, I'm sure he is just busy with training. Diego hasn't texted today and I know he has been super busy. Sometimes in the Military they get busy real fast. "I tried to comfort her. Sometimes when they get busy it is because they're being deployed... My dad was in the Military for ten years and was deployed during the first few years of the second Iraq war.

"Are you sure he is not losing interest? You don't know him." She cried.

"Katie.I promise he is not losing interest in you." I giggled rolling my eyes at her. She can be so ridiculous sometimes! She took a deep breath,"Ok, so what did you and Diego do last night?" She asked.

"We watched season one of NCIS and NCIS LA. " I tried to ignore the question.

"And what else..."she pushed the subject, to get the answer out of me. I got out of bed quickly and answered

"We cuddle.." Heading to the bathroom as fast as I could.

"YOU WHAT?!? OH MY GOSH!!!" She screamed. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Yes, he got into bed with me and he put his arms around me." I went on before, I realize I was losing myself in my own thoughts.

"To a girl who refused to let a guy get close to her, you and Diego are surely getting close." she joked.

"Haha it was one time." I smiled.

"Ha just one time? "she rolled her eyes.

"Yes just once. It probably won't happen again. "I giggled getting dressed. Today was a pajama wearing day.

"Well I must ask did you enjoy it?" She asked with a smirk on her face.

"Yes, yes I did enjoy it." I admitted. It was comforting to have a warm body next to you.

"OH MY GOSH,YOU ENJOYED IT BUT DON'T WANT TO DO IT AGAIN?! Are you serious girl?!!"she yelled. As you can tell she yells ALOT.


Next I can't be with him... " I sigh.

"Why?" She asked.

"Long story. "I lied. I would love to be with Diego yes, but I am to afraid of getting hurt again. I can't put myself through that. I know the saying, everyone says "not all guys are bad. " But when you've been through what I have, then it is really hard to believe that.

"You always say it is a long story. But that long story has ended a long time ago.You shouldn't let that hold you captive." Katie made sense. She is right on so many levels but, I still can't date him.

She walked out of the room because she had a job interview. It was with this soon to be famous fashion designer.

Tomorrow is my final day of school, which I am super excited, because I'll be done for the summer! I can't wait to get a break from everything actually. Don't get me wrong I love school but it is time for me to have a break.

I am planning to actually go back home to Missouri, to visit family in June for awhile. I am excited but also not thrilled about it though. I'll have to deal with Jeds evil annoying family. They are really good friends with my mom sadly. They hate my guts ever since Jed broke up with me. They always have to make sure I feel horrible for the break up. Even though he cheated on me. He's family is so weird.

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