Chapter 27 Horrible News

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I couldn't move, I didn't want to move out of my truck. I was perfectly content sitting in there for the rest of my life. I didn't want to hear it, I didn't want to hear "I am sorry to tell you but Sergeant Diego has died," or "Private Anthony T. Trevor has been killed in action. "I texted Katie, "Oh my gosh look who's outside.😭" I saw her peek out the window and saw her cover her mouth.

"No no no!🙊" she texted back. The guys got out of their car and headed up stairs, this is it. This is the time I need to prepare myself for the worst. Hoping for the better is out of the questions now. I saw them walk to my door, I couldn't hold the tears in anymore. "Oh my gosh" I just broke down in tears. I have never felt my heart race this fast before. They looked at my door, "Please go away." I cried softly, hoping they would. Praying they would just leave my door alone. They looked at it and left. They went behind the building. While I breathed a sigh of relief, I also cried for the person who had to get the horrifying news.

I ran out of the car as fast as I could. I ran up the stairs and open the apartment door. "Katie Katie we are safe. " I yelled hearing her cry in her room. She ran out of her room and gave me a big hug.

" I have never been so scared in my life. " she cried on my shoulders. "Same here." I cried.

We both walked out to see who got the horrifying news. It was our sweet elderly neighbor Linda. Her son Randy is in the infantry and was in Afghanistan.

"Oh my gosh. " we gasped seeing her on the floor holding onto the priest as tightly as she could.

"Ms. Linda." I sighed, she looked up to us.

"Girls he's gone, my baby is gone. " she ran to us crying. We just held her,

"What happened?" Katie asked the men.

"His Hmmvee ran over an ied." they told us. She just cried even harder as I was holding her. My heart hurt for her dearly, no mother should ever have to bury their child.

"Ms. Linda I am so sorry."I held her tight. I didn't know what to say or do.. What am I going to tell a mother who just lost her baby boy? Her son Randy was a very sweet man. He was a gentle man and always helped us when we needed it. He always took care of his mother before he left. This was his third deployment.

"Is there any family we can call?" One of the soldiers that was tall black with a soft voice asked.

"No don't worry we will take care of it." Katie told them with a smile on her face.

"Ok. Again ma'am we are deeply sorry for your horrible loss. " they both apologize and they walked away. We helped ms. Linda back into her house,

"Do you have anyone to stay with you ?" I asked.

"No." She was able to say through the tears.

"Ok we will stay here tonight. " Katie offered.

"You don't have to girls. I'll be ok-" she started before she saw a picture of Randy and then she started crying again. My heartache for hurt so much.

"No we'll stay. We need to get out of our apartment anyways. "Katie sighed sitting next to her rubbing her back.

"Thank you." She cried harder and harder.

"How can God take my baby away. How??" She screamed. Katie and I both did not know what to say or do. How can we tell her,"It was his time ?" Or " God lets things happen for a reason?" This is a child she lost, her baby she carried for nine months then raised him for eighteen years.

"I know it-"Katie tried but she didn't want to sound rude.

"I know it was his time but still. Why so young?" She cried harder and harder.

" I don't know." I begun to cry thinking about Diego. Why would he take them so young?


*Deigo POV *

I have been in and out of it for the past week or so. Today is the first day in a week I've stayed up longer then thirty minutes. I'm still pretty sore, especially in the middle of my chest, I can still feel a lot of sharp pain and pressure. I haven't tried to move much, every time I do I get out of breath quickly, and I will feel as if my stitches will rip out.

I've been sitting here thinking, trying to remember what all happened that day. The only thing I remember is Trevor yelling at me to hang on. I remember feeling as if I ran for twenty miles and had a very bad chest cold at the same time. That is about it, I don't remember getting shot. I don't remember anything after we got into the medicvac.

I would love to call Alex, but I can't talk without sounding like I ran for an hour. I still have a hard time breathing, doctors says it'll just take awhile for my lungs to heal. Then it's just hard for me to talk without being in pain as well. They are running low on pain medication here so I'm not totally drugged up as what other people would being in my condition.

"Hey buddy," Trevor surprised me,opening the door slowly.

"Hi big guy. " I waved putting down this book I was trying to read, every time I tried to read it I was getting sleepy. Not because it was boring but cause i just can't keep my eyes open for that long.

He gave me a quick hug,

"How are you feeling?" He asked pulling a chair up next to me.

"As if I was ran over by a big rig a few thousand times. " I giggled.

"Ah sorry. We've been praying for you back at post." He told me.

"Thank you. " I smiled.

"How's Alex ?" I asked starting to get very sleepy.

" I haven't called or emailed Katie in awhile so I don't know. Last time I checked which was at the beginning of the week, she was having a rough time of it. " he explained. I feel horrible that she's gone through hell this week. God only knows how worried she probably is right now. I know there was no way I could have helped it though, I didn't know I was going to get shot.

"Have you been able to call her from here ?" He asked.

"This week I've been pretty much in and out of it still. This is the first time in awhile I have been awake for more then thirty minutes." I explain to him.

"Hopefully soon you can feel better enough to call her. " Trevor laid back in the chair sighing.

"Yeah hopefully." I slowly closed my eyes.

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