Chapter 28. Staying with Ms. Linda

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We stayed the night with Ms. Linda so she wasn't alone. No one should be alone when they get devastating news, especially news of losing a child. She went into her room and laid there crying. She wouldn't let us stay in there with her to comfort her. She wanted to be alone, but we stayed out in the living room. We did not want her to be totally alone.

"I hope Trevor will call soon." I sighed laying down on the floor looking at the ceiling. Katie and I haven't talked much since we fought. She turned around and ignored me.

"Katie..." I mumbled.

"Go to sleep Alex. " she growled.

"Look I'm sorry if I offended you by blaming Diego. I know it was not his fault, none of this was. There was no way he could have known he was going to get shot that day. I know it happened for a reason. " I apologized. She looked over at me,

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to him! Alex, I know you are scared to death, so am I because Diego is a dear friend of mine but that gives you no excuse. " she snapped. I feel bad I really do for blaming him. But I was depressed and scared out of my mind not knowing if he was going to come back or not.

"I'm sorry , still I shouldn't have taken it out on you. " I apologized again.

"Apology noted now go to sleep." She sighed covering her head with her blanket. I don't like it when we are fighting.

My phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I answered not looking to see who was calling me. No one answered for a second,

"Hello Trevor is this you?" I asked feeling confused. Heard someone take a deep breath and a very soft Hispanic voice answered

"Hey babe". Diego answered. My heart started fluttering,

"Diego!" I cried super excited. I've been waiting for this kind of phone call all week long.

"Hey." He tried to laugh. It felt so good to hear from him. It felt amazing to finally hear his voice after what has happened.

"Oh babe you don't know how good it feels to hear from you." I broke down in tears.

"I think I do because I've been wanting to talk to you all week. " he sounded as if he was about to cry.

"So how are you feeling ?" I asked trying to cheer him up a bit.

"Sore as heck. How are you? I am so sorry you've had to worry about me-" he started before I jumped in,

"Don't feel bad! I understand believe me it's okay. I am so sorry you're feeling sore. Baby if I was there right now, I would hold you so tight and not let you go. " I said.

" I could use a hug right now and maybe a little kiss..." He was being rotten.

" I could go for a kiss as well. " I giggled a little.

"Alex I miss you so much." He whimpered.

"Aww I miss you to. " I tried not to cry again. This phone call makes this whole week of I suffered all worth it.

"Alex I don't hav-" he coughed hard.

"Are you okay babe?" I asked. He kept coughing then someone else got on the phone.

"He's okay but he needs to go. He'll call you later sweetie. " a soft voiced nurse hung up the phone on me. I hope she is right that he is okay. That cough didn't sound well at all.

"Who was that?" Ms. Linda came out of her room.

"It...was my boyfriend. He is okay." I smiled. She knows about Diego.

"Hunny I am so happy for you!" She tried to act happy.

"Is everything ok?" I asked. She looked as if something wasn't right.

"Yeah just letting you two know my sister Amy is coming. " she tried to smile. She looked at a picture of Randy on the end table with his dress greens on and started crying.

"I'm sorry it ju-" she kept crying. I felt bad for her, truly I do.

"Okay we'll stay here until she comes. " I said, she nodded her head and headed back into her room. I wish she would let us comfort her... But In her own time I guess she will.

*next day*

Well, it's time for me to get ready for school. Amy, Ms. Linda sister came around midnight, But we still stayed with her until the morning hours. Katie is still pissed as heck with me but , she has a good reason why to be. But she is starting to somewhat talk to me which is good I guess. It's a start!

I'm sitting(not dreaming I promise) in the court yard. The leaves here are beautiful as ever , I love the Vanderbilt campus.

"Hi Alex!" Pam came running toward me. Pam is this adorable freshman with red short hair and she has the most adorable freckles all over her face.

"Hey girl how are you?" I asked puting my book down I was reading. I was reading my biology book.

" I'm good, how are you ? How's your boyfriend ?" She asked sitting next to me.

"Diego is okay, I actually got to talk to him for a bit last night. I saw on Facebook from Trevor that they are going to try to get him to Germany in a few days. They of course are going to be sending him home. " I explained.

"Well that is great news he is doing good! How long do you think he'll be home for?" She was so excited.

"Probably for good because the severity of the injuries. " I sighed. I didn't want to think of him possibly going back over there. Not after what happened. Not again.


*Trevor POV*

I'm laying in bed right now, just got back from a forty eight hours mission in the middle of nowhere. I'm exhausted but I'm here alive safe and sound for now. I want to go see Diego right now, but I can barely move, my feet our sore and have blisters on them from being on my feet for literally 48 hours. My back is sore and I'm suffering from food poisoning. So every time I run to the bathroom my blisters on my feet pop and yeah, it's not a fun feeling...

"Well Private Trevor I have some good news for you. " Fred walked in holding a piece of paper.

"You're going home. You got new orders, you'll have a desk job back at Ft. Campbell waiting for you. " he handed me the paper. I was completely surprised by this. I was expecting to stay with my unit until we got back.

" Sir-" I was going to try to fight it because I want to stay. My unit needs me!

"You're not going to fight this, no. I'm not losing another young soldier this year again. No your going home in 24 hours. " he demanded. This past year, an eighteen year old private died in his arms after an IED explosion. He took that very hard, he actually had to go back to the states for a month.

I'm the second youngest along with Diego, I'm 21 and Diego is 23. The rest are in their late 20's to late 50's.

"Sir can I ask one thing though. ?" I asked.

"Sure what?" He asked.

"Can I ship out with Diego. He's suppose to leave in 30 hours. " I asked. We both promised each other we would go home together.

"Yes I'll arrange it. " he smiled then he walked out of the room. I can't believe I'm going home! Diego and I get to go home together!

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