Chapter 31 Scared to death

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*Katie P.O.V*

I was laying on the couch watching tv,today is a lazy day.. I am thinking about how to convince Alex to come to Little Rock with me without telling her the reason why. Alex is a bit challenging when it comes to convincing her to do something without giving her a reason why. I know she is in need of some excitement! I know it would warm her heart if Diego surprised her.

My phone began to ring, this was an unknown number...

"Hello" I answered.

"Hi is this Katie Rose?" A female person with a deep tone of voice asked me.

"Yes ma'am. " I replied a little afraid.

"Do you know an Alexandria Low? " she asked watching her words. Why is she asking about Alex ?

"Yes ma'am. " I replied afraid.

"Is she a relative of yours or a friend?" She asked, ok this conversation is not going well. Not going well at all...

"She's a friend, very dear friend of mine. May I ask what is going on?" My heart started beating harder out of fear.

"Hunny you need to get to the hospital right now. She was in a horrible accident. " the nurse told me.

"What hospital ?" I askes sliding my boots on.

"St. Thomas. " she said, I hung up the phone. Ran down the stairs, thankfully the hospital isn't to far from where we live. So, I was able to run there. What the heck happened? How could she have gotten into a car accident?

When I arrived at the hospital I ran through the screen doors and up to the front nurse.

" I'm looking for Alexandria Low ?" I asked. She looked at her computer, my phone was ringing again. It was Trevor calling me, oh gosh how am I going to tel him about this. Diego wouldn't be able to handle the news. He doesn't need this kind of news right now.

"She is up stairs take the elevator to your right and push the 5th button. " the nurse told me. I nodded my head and ran to the elevator. I answered my phone ,

" Trevor. There's been an emergency. Call me back in 15 minutes please. " I hung up the phone on him. I felt bad but I can't talk right now. Every single horrible idea was running through my mind about what happened to Pam and Alex.

I ran out of the elevator on the 5th floor.

"May I help you ?" A tall bald headed doctor asked me.

"Yes I am looking for my dear friend Alexandria. " I tried not to cry.

"Alexandria low?" He looked at me with a interesting look.

"Yes sir. " I tried to hold the tears in.

"Follow me. " he said walking straight down the hallway. We pulled up to the first door on the left,

"She's okay. She had a hard hit to the head, when the trucked flippe-" he started but I interrupted, " The truck flipped?!" I gasped.

"Yes the trucked flipped a few times. She is very lucky, she has a broken left arm and a few broken ribs but she'll live. We want to keep her over night because she had went into cardiac arrest at the scene, then when she arrived she had shortness of breath. We just want to make sure she is okay. We've done an AKG and it came back okay. " the doctor explained.

"How's Pam the other girl that was with her ?" I asked concerned for her.

"Oh she is fine too. She is going to stay over night as well because she has head trauma. " he said. He opened the door so I could see Alex. Alex looks horrible, She has a black eye, cuts all over her face and a cast on her arm. This has been one crappy year for her.

"Hi..." She waved sounding very tired.

"Hey girl! How are you feeling? Oh my goodness I was scared to death !" I started crying. I am so glad she is okay.

"I'm...sore as hell. I think I know how Diego feels right now." she tried to chuckle. My phone started ringing again, this time I have to answer it, it's because it's Trevor.

"He-" I started but he interrupted.

"What is going on?!" He panicked.

"Alex was in a bad accident, but she is okay. " I assured him. I could hear him gasped over the phone,

"Are you okay we're you with her ?" He panicked again.

"No I wasn't with her. She added a few grey hairs to my head but I'm fine. " I joked. Alex gave me the middle finger. I rolled my eyes at her ,

"Well I am glad you weren't with her and that she is okay. " he whispered.

"Does Diego know?" I asked.

"He does but right now he is sleeping. " he sighed. Well I am glad though he is able to get some sleep. I bet he has been so worried about her.

"Well I got to go, I'm getting tired myself. " he yawned.

"Ok baby I love you. " I said.

"I love you too Hunny. " he replied.

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