Chapter Three

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It's the next afternoon, well technically night now and I've decided to take a trip to Italy. I decided to go and explore on my own since I've always wanted to see it but never had the chance.

We've just arrived at the airport in Catania and since I'm in first class, I'm already getting off. I have a rental car set up for the few weeks I am here. I go to the rental car area and make sure everything is correct and sign the forms. When I'm done, it's one in the morning on the twenty-ninth. I get in the car and go to the hotel. I check in and drop my bag off in my room. I change into pajamas and get in the bed. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm asleep.

A few hours later, I'm awake, dressed and hungry. I leave the hotel and start walking in search of a cafe. After a few minutes of walking, I see a cafe and decide to get a drink. I walk in and get a grande caramel macchiato with an extra shot of espresso and an order of donuts in Italian. Once I get them, I walk to a table and sit, completely unaware of the woman two tables away who has been looking at me since I started talking.

"Ciao," says the woman.

I look up and my breath catches in my throat. The woman is beautiful.

"Ciao," dico.
"Non voglio disturbarti, ma sei la donna più bella che abbia mai visto."
"Grazie," dico interrogativo.
"Non sei di qui, vero," chiede.
"No, sono di Seattle, Washington. Mi sono appena diplomata al liceo due mesi fa e volevo uscire un po' dalla città."
"Oh. A proposito, sono Carina. Carina Deluca.
"Maya Bishop."
"Potrei farti fare un giro se vuoi," chiede.
"Sarebbe fantastico."

Maya gets up and they walk out together. They start walking down the sidewalk in silence. Carina is the first to speak.

"Non voglio sembrare offensiva, perché sei sexy da morire, ma cosa sono i tatuaggi e i piercing," chiede.
"È una storia piuttosto lunga," risponde Maya.
"Se non vuoi", dice Carina prima di essere interrotta.
"Va bene. Sono cresciuta con un fratello minore, Mason. Nostro padre mi molestava ogni giorno e ci abusava mentalmente e verbalmente. Ho iniziato a fare corsa campestre e atletica solo per farmi amare da lui. Ha funzionato fin troppo bene. Ha cambiato le mie abitudini alimentari e il mio programma. Se non vincevo o se vincevo ma non raggiungevo o battevo il mio tempo, alcuni cibi e/o secondi a cena venivano esclusi. Poi mi molestava ogni sera finché non vincevo. Quando mio fratello ha iniziato a dedicarsi all'arte insieme alla corsa, ha iniziato a perdere gare. Nostro padre diceva che se ti fossi fermata e concentrata sulla corsa saresti sempre stata al primo posto. Mio padre è stato arrestato l'anno scorso. Qualche giorno fa, sono uscita di casa senza voltarmi indietro. Mio fratello ha fatto lo stesso. Quella notte, mia madre è stata uccisa. Quindi, mio ​​padre è in prigione, mia madre è morta e non ho idea di dove sia mio fratello. Mi sono fatta tatuaggi e piercing pensando che se qualcuno mi volesse davvero, mi vorrebbe per me."

"Wow. Okay. Posso chiederti cosa sono tutti quei tatuaggi?" chiede Carina. "Non c'è mai una vittima, per sempre un combattente sulla mia clavicola. Ho il Salmo del sopravvissuto sulla parte interna del braccio sinistro, una croce con ali d'angelo sulla schiena dal collo alla vita e il mio braccio destro è coperto di tatuaggi di abusi. Ho il Credo del fuciliere sul lato destro e il Giuramento di Ippocrate sul lato sinistro. Aspetta, pensi che io sia sexy da morire?" chiede Maya.

"Sì, perché è vero. Nel momento in cui sei entrata nel bar e hai iniziato a parlare italiano, ho alzato lo sguardo e siamo qui." Maya smette immediatamente di camminare e prima che Carina possa capire cosa sta facendo, si gira verso di lei e la bacia. "Mi dispiace se sono stata troppo sfacciata, ma volevo farlo da quando ti ho visto." "Va bene, mi è piaciuto", risponde Carina. "Mi farai comunque fare un giro", chiede. "Sì, andiamo.

For the rest of the morning, Carina shows her around the city, taking her to every tourist destination there is to see. Once done, they walk to Maya's hotel. Before she walks inside, Carina asks her a question in english.

"Would you like to go on a date with me this afternoon," Carina asks. "Yes," Maya replies hesitantly. "Okay. I'll pick you up at two. Wear something casual." "I'll be waiting."

Carina starts walking away and Maya watches until she can't see her. She then walks inside up to the room and starts getting ready. She takes a shower and cleans herself up. She then goes to the closet and looks for the perfect outfit. After fifteen minutes, she finds the most beautiful but still casual outfit that's perfect. She gets dressed and notices she has twenty minutes before she needs to be downstairs. She brushes her teeth, fixes her hair, grabs her key and goes downstairs.

Meanwhile, Carina parks in front, walks up to the lobby doors and waits. A few seconds later, Maya opens the doors and Carina is speechless. She can't look away.

"Wow. You"
"Thank you, Tesoro. You're quite handsome yourself."
"Thank you. Shall we go," she states.
"Si," replies Maya. They start walking and Carina takes her hand in hers.

"What about you," Maya asks. "Your life." "Oh. Well, I was born here in Catania. I have a younger brother Andrea, but he goes by Andrew now. Our mom and dad split when we were eleven and sixteen. Our mom moved my brother to Wisconsin and I stayed here with our dad. He has bipolar disorder and my mom couldn't handle it anymore. I would see them every year for Thanksgiving and Christmas until my mom came back to Italy when I was twenty. She was sick and came to see us. My brother stayed in Wisconsin with a neighbor. She died from a stroke caused by cancer and I called Andrea to come home. I didn't tell him she was dead until he got here. We grieved and he went back to Wisconsin to finish high school. I stayed in Italy and just finished my second year of med school."
"Wow. I'm sorry about your mom."
"Thank you. It still hurts and sometimes I still cry, but it gets better every day. There's actually something else I need to tell you. I want to tell you before we get any further into this because if you leave it'll hurt less."
"You can tell me anything. I'm not leaving," replies Maya.
"I have a fully functioning male reproductive system."

Maya doesn't say anything, just turns to her and backs her up into the building behind them. She kisses Carina and the kiss gets heated. After a few seconds, she feels it against her and moans quite loudly. Carina pulls back from the kiss and before she can say anything, Maya does.

"It's okay. You don't have to say anything. It's an appropriate response to the situation. I actually love that you get like this with just a few kisses." "If we don't stop, we won't make our date. I promise we can do more after." "Alright."

They continue to walk until they get to Villa Bellini. As soon as they get there, Maya looks curiously at Carina. Carina stops and looks at her as well.

"I know it's a little cliche, but I thought we could sit down and have a picnic," Carina states. "I've never had a date like this. It's perfect." They get to the spot to see everything set up perfectly. They sit down and Carina opens up the basket.

"I didn't know what your favorites were besides lasagna, so I made all of my favorites. We've got sandwiches, creamy gnocchi pasta and for dessert, chocolate and ricotta cassatelle." "Oh, babe. This is so thoughtful. How did you get all this done and set up in an hour," wonders Maya. "I may have gone to Giovanni's Restaurant and got everything." They start eating and talk about random things. After they're both full, they pack up and head back to Maya's hotel. Once there, they walk inside up to the room and wait for the card to unlock the door.

"I had a really great time today." "Me too," replies Carina. "I know this might be a little forward, but are you gonna invite me inside," asks Carina. "I don't know if that's a good idea." "It's okay. I shouldn't have asked," says Carina. "It's not that I don't want to, I do. It's just that we only met today and I'm not sure if I wanna chance it," replies Maya. "It's okay. We'll take this at yo-." Maya cuts her off by kissing her. After a few seconds, she opens the door and they walk inside, never breaking the kiss. Carina kicks the door shut and then breaks the kiss.

"Bedroom," she asks. "Straight ahead to the right," replies Maya. They walk to the room and Maya lays down on the bed. She starts kissing her while they both slowly help each other undress. "God you're beautiful," says Carina. She starts kissing down her cheek to her neck and as soon as she finds her pulse point, she enters her in one fluid thrust. "Oh, my god. You feel so good," moans Maya. "So do you," she replies. She continues and they end up making love the rest of the night.

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