Longing for Its Return (Sonnet Entry 1)

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Oh, love that fled my gasp like fleeting shade
Vanished into night's depth weeks ago,
How my heart aches for your warm embrace to stay
But I conceal my grief, fear hides its flow.

My fragile soul, like porcelain dolls that break
In winter's icy gleam, you may return
Or in the lonely night's bleak, sluggish flow

But now, my search for you seems numb and stern,
Wandering thriugh the streets, seeking love's glow.

In every corner, I seek love's sign
But emptiness and death are all I find
As if love vanished without trace or line.

Yet still, I cling to hope for love to resurface
Our memories hung on trees, waiting to learn
Hoping it will last, hoping you'll return.

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