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ATTENTION READERS: I am aware that this chapter is different from the last chapter you might have read. I just want you to know that I updated this CHAPTER with a different title and different part of the story to make it more interestong. I HOPE to you enjoy this chapter better than the last one!

(oh no what did I just do,I just opened up a can of worms I can't close.)
"you betta watch your back Carly Hanson!!"
*everyone in the class hears Zoey arguing and turn around to look at the back of the room*
(OMG here she goes screaming making a scene! now everyone is looking at us, this is so embarrassingggg!!)
"umm excuse me."
*a boy walks between Zoey and takes a seat next to carly*
"O-Oh sorry" Zoey says in her "trying to be cute" voice Then she does a second look as if she recognize the boy
"HEY I know you, your Chad!"
"uh yes I am Chad... how do you know me?"
"Well arnt you jeff's cousin?"
"yeah actually I am how did you know that?"
(WAIT WAIT did she just say he's JEFFS COUSIN!! GROSS how is a guy so hot like him related to that big ugly pig!?)
"Wow I knew it because I am actually his girlfriend. Dont you remember me from the family get together you had last summer?"
*Chad thinks about it*
"OH YEAH now I remember you. you were that girl with the nice toned legs."
"OH well I wouldn't say i have nice toned legs but if you insist." Zoey blushes after that
"well I'm going to go take me seat. class is about to start, we should totally talk more! see ya around chaddy." and with that Zoey looks at carly,snickers And sashays away.
(uhhh I HATE IT when she does that!)
" Hey I'm guessing she doesn't like you that much." Chad whispers to carly
"huh uh.. yeah she doesn't like me at all. I think if they gave her the chance SHE would kill me at any minute."
"haha your funny" Chad winks at carly
"NO TALKING IN CLASS YOU TWO!!" a teacher yells in the front if the classroom
"sorry teach it won't happen again."
( even though he is related to Jeff MAN HE IS HOT!)
*as the teacher goes on of what they are going to do today all carly kept thinking about was the hot guy sitting next to her*
(wow I never believed at love at first site till now because I am DEFINITELY IN LOVE!!)
"now everyone get a partner for today's experiment!"
(GREAT science class one of my NOT favorite classes, they always give us a experiment to do on the first day of school!)
"um hey carly want to be my partner?"
"YES, I mean sure, yeah, whatever"
"heh ok"
"by the way what ARE we doing"
"Oh we are supposed to dissect a frog and examine its body."
"EWWW I HATE doing these kinds of experiments! it's so gross!"
"haha I like it because you get to play with the body parts."
"WHAT you actually LIKE dissecting frogs!?"
" yeah I think it's pretty cool. ha listen to me I sound like a nerd right now."
"don't worry I won't judge because I have a little nerdy side myself."
"OH reeally and what might that be?"
" Well... I actually always wanted to... to wear glasses and braces"
"what was that I couldn't hear you, you were mumbling alittle."
"I said I always wanted to wear glasses an braces."
"wow you are such a nerd!"
"Oh shut up!"
"I'm just pulling your leg. don't worry your secret is safe with me."
*the teacher comes around with the dead frog and sets it on a tray in front of Chad and carly*
"haha look at its body it's all big and dead."
*Chad grabs the dead frog and has it do a little dance*
"hahaha stop it before you get in trouble."
"haha wanna touch it?!"
(wow he is so childish it's cute!)
"OK OK let's get serioso."
*Chad takes the surgeon mini knife and cuts the frog right down the middle of its stomach. when he opened the body the smell it's carlys face.*
(gross it's body smells like dead fish and garbage. I think I'm gonna be sick.)
" HEY carly, you ok? you don't look so good, you look alittle green to the face."
"uh no I'm fine."
"do you want to go to the nurse?"
"n-No I.. i-m"
(oh no its coming up!)
*Early threw up right on the floor. Everyone was staring, some were.screaming " she thre up! she threw up!" while others (like zoey) we're laughing and taking videos.*
(great just great this officially the worst day of my life..... so embarrassing )

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