Prologue: A New Knight in Cappytown

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"So, this is Cappytown, hm? Definitely a peaceful looking place."

Kitsune muttered to herself, overlooking the small town from a hill. A large castle on a mountain was also visible in the distance. The castle, of course, would be her destination. She had a "job" here, so sightseeing in the town could wait. Right now, she had a meeting with the ruler of this lovely town- a rather boisterous individual named King Dedede.

See, she was a knight that was called here for a job opportunity- the king's words, not hers. He didn't exactly feel like giving her more details in his letter, so here she was. Apparently she was wanted to appear in his throne room, so that's where she would go.

With a small, confident smirk, the knight walked down the path- soon entering the town. Her arms were neatly folded behind her back over her cape. As she walked, she noticed some townspeople staring at her- some mumbling to themselves. She passed several buildings- a restaurant, a convenience store, an -admittedly- run down looking clinic, a museum type building- even a gas station. Which, in her mind, was funny. She hadn't seen a single car. 

She couldn't help but chuckle a bit. The people in this town had been staring at her like she was either a mythological creature, or an unpredictable wild animal- perhaps a mix of both. She was rather intimidating, she had to admit- and her mask wasn't helping in the slightest. Though, at the same time, she heard that this town was also its own isolated location- so no one really came here much, from her understanding. 'Guess they're not used to visitors.'

She paused in the center of the town, putting on a more friendly smile. "You all don't have to so tense, y'know." She suddenly spoke up, making everyone step back. "I'm afraid I don't have time for a long introduction, so I'll keep this short. I am Dame Kitsune Reine- I'm a knight from a nearby kingdom. I was called here on business." She briefly explained, beginning to walk again.

"I'll be sure to stop by at some point for a more proper introduction!" She called, heading to the castle. 

It was quite a walk to the castle- about fifteen or so minutes. Nonetheless, she made it. She was greeted at the front gates by three small creatures- both of which had round, almost pear shaped bodies. The two on the sides had two small, innocent looking eyes and no mouths. In their paws was a spear- one for each. The creature in the middle was more round, being an orange shade as opposed to the pinkish shade as the other creatures. It also had one large eye taking up its entire face.

The one-eyed creature looked up. Kitsune noticed it had a belt with a scabbard, much like hers. "You must be Kitsune, right?" He asked, his voice a lot deeper than his cute appearance would give off.

Kitsune nodded. "That's me, yes. I'm assuming you are taking me to the king?" 

"Correct." The creature turned. "Follow us- we'll take you to his Majesty." He stated.

With another nod, the knight trailed after them. Before they entered the actual building itself, she took a glance around. They were in the courtyard, and she noticed a group of kids- and a little pink creature. It was very cute! 

The children seemed a bit weary of her, the girl -who seemed to be like an older sister- in particular. The little pink creature tilted its head -or its body, more so- out of confusion and curiosity. Kitsune chuckled slightly, turning her attention to the path ahead of her. The interior of the yellow walled castle was a more blue-green color. Walking through some corridors and up a staircase or two they reached a large set of double doors.

"This is it!" The one-eyed creature told her, its "followers" pushing the doors open. Before Kitsune could walk through, she heard him mumble: "Good luck, lady."

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