Chapter 2: His Name Is Henry

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A few hours went by, and there were a lot of customers. Mostly, first-years as expected. Iris' job was first of all to know what a customer wanted when they entered the shop. If they wanted a tailored cloak, she would have to inform her mom and Lillian would handle it from there. If they needed anything else, Iris took care of it. Lillian had hired an assistant to handle the high demand during this time of year. Otherwise, it was just the two of them in the shop. However, it will only be Madam Malkin in the shop this year. Iris would be leaving for Hogwarts, being it her first-year as well. She and Lillian had prepared her uniform for months, with Iris making her own adjustments along the way. They had bought Iris needed in the beginning of summer, she even has her wand. However, Lillian put it away safely where Iris wouldn't be able to find it. It is made out of Hawthorn wood and a Dragon Heartstring, and is around eleven inches. It was carved with these beautiful engravings at the handle, but clean and pointy at the end. Iris loved it the moment she held it in her hands and knew it was hers.

The bell that hung above the front door rang, meaning a new customer had entered the shop. Iris sat behind the counter, stitching together all the fabric she was able to find. She saw an older lady, with a big red pointing hat while leaning on her walking stick. "Hello, dear. I'm looking for a new robe. My old one had a few holes in them."

Iris smiled. "You can always look at the rack on your left-side. We have some new additions you might like. Also, you can take your old robe and bring it here for repairs if you would like that."

The lady made her first, slow, steps towards the rack. "That is so kind of you, darling. Thank you." She picked something, bought it, and told her she would return the next day. Iris wrote it down in her mother's agenda so she wouldn't forget. Iris then started sewing again.

The bell rang again, and this time it wasn't an old lady or a first-year. It was Flo. "You're not going to believe who is here."

Iris raised her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"I was helping my father out in the Leaky Cauldron and a half-giant came in with a boy. The same age as you."

"So what, is he someone famous or something?" The moment Iris said those words, she realised who it was. A boy the same age as Iris herself, without parents or even a muggle. The half-giant is Hagrid, the infamous gamekeeper of Hogwarts.

Flo leaned in. "It's Harry P-"

"Keep your voice down!" Iris yelled. She looked to her mother, but she was busy with measuring a first-year. "Are you for real?"

Flo started whispering. "Yes, I heard it myself. I was going to tell everyone, but I first wanted to tell you of course."

"Don't tell other people." Iris said. "He'll probably be the centre of attention in the entire Alley and that isn't good for business. If my mom finds out she'll probably give everything for free to the boy and we really need the money. We just made ends meet last year. "

"Come on. The word is probably already spreading."

"Just do as I say and keep your bloody mouth shut, please?"

Flo thought for a while. "Alright, my father needs me, probably. Will I see you later tonight?"

"Can't, I'm working on something."

Flo's eyes widened. "Oooohh, what is it?"

"None of your business. If you don't mind, I've got some work to do."

Right before Flo left through the door, Iris yelled: "Hate you!"

Flo smiled right back. "Hate you too!"

30 minutes later, the door rang for the third time. It was this small boy with black hair and green eyes. He was wearing clothes three sizes too big and was completely alone. Iris looked outside and saw the half-giant outside through the windows. She knew who it was.

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