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After 3rd period was lunch. My group really didn't do anything during that time, just talk and eat. After I sat down, something caught my eye. Kenny was staring at his food looking like he was either contemplating, crying, or zoning out. He looked up and our eyes met, I quickly looked away with a slight blush on my face
      People knew me as a closed off, mean kid, but I just have walls that I put up when I was younger. People knew Kenny as the freak, annoying, perverted, and gay freak. I have to admit, I kind of feel bad for him. He doesn't really deserve this, but I understand where people are coming from with the annoying part.
           Craig watched as Kenny walked into the bathroom with something in his hand. A lighter? Why would he need that for the bathroom? Craig decided that he would leave it alone, but something didn't seem right to him. He decided on going into the bathroom just to make sure he was ok. When he walked in, he noticed Kenny quickly pull down his sleeve to hide his arm. Craig thought that was weird, but he wouldn't invade his personal life and privacy.
Time skip//After school 3:05//
Craig normally got a ride home from either his mom or his dad, but today they both had work. He had to ride the bus, and god did he hate the bus. How loud it was, how unsanitary it was drove him CRAZY. He decided to listen to music to distract himself and drown out the sounds of kids screaming. On his way to the apartments, he spotted Kenny walking on the sidewalk, but something didn't seem right. Kenny was fidgeting with his nails and looked like he was in distress. Craig didn't think anything was wrong, but Kenny looked terrified when he got to the apartments. After he got off the bus, he walked to his quadrant and unlocked the door. No matter what he did, he could always here the neighbors screaming and arguing,when he was a kid his parents claimed that they were trouble and said that he shouldn't bother them unless it was absolutely necessary. He agreed with them and left it at that.

After he got home, he quickly went to his room trying not to be noticed by his dad. Unfortunately, he was not very lucky today and his dad caught him. "Where were you? Your 30 minutes late." His dad explained. Kenny didn't understand what the big deal was, but he decided it would be best to not argue with him. "I walked home today, I'm sorry for not telling you this morning. It was a last minute change of plans." Kenny explained, sadly his father wasn't buying it. After a long argument and a couple slaps and punches, he went to his room.

A/N: sorry for not making this chapter super long. I'm really tired and I have an exam tomorrow so I have to get sleep.
Have a great day/night!
Love ya!

Pain and scars~Crenny/kenny angstWhere stories live. Discover now