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KENNYS POV(trying smth new ig)
After waking up the next morning, I felt sore and I could tell my eye was swelled up. I got up and looked in the mirror and I had bruises everywhere. That was one of the reasons I wore a snow suit back then, to cover the bruises and because of the cold weather. I checked my alarm clock and it was only 5:47am. I had around 2 hour until I have to be at the bus stop. Apparently our old bus driver retired because she hated kids , and her sister died in a freak car crash. I have to admit, I kinda feel bad.
         After getting my clothes on, I tried to find something to distract my self. I remember that I have to wake up Karen for school, or we'll both be ass deep in trouble with our parents. Going to her room, I hear muffled sniffles and sobs. Must have been a nightmare. She's been getting those a lot, and she always says their about me and a lot of the past deaths I have experienced. She doesn't know that but I do. I'm worried, for her. She shouldn't have to worry about what I'm going through, because it's my problem. I knock on her door the pattern that we use to signal each other. I hear shuffling on the other side of the door, a click and then it opens. I see a sobbing, red eyed Karen looking up at me with tears in her eyes. I leans down to give her a hug, and to show her that I'm ok. "Hey, hey it's ok. I'm right here, and I'm never leaving. Okay? I love you too much to do that. Remember what I said?" I lean back a little to look her in the eyes. "Say it with me, if we go through something, we go through it together." She repeats the last part with me. It's something I always said to calm her down after dad gets angry with me or mom. All three of us grew up around constant arguments and physical fights between them. Kevin would comfort us the best he could, which was by blasting music in head phones and cuddling us on his bed. After he moved out, it was my responsibility to look after Karen. I haven't let him hit her ever since Kevin moved out. If she ever got hit I wouldn't know what to do with my self.

At school, it was the same thing as always. The names, shoves, and things that would happen were always the same. It was honestly kinda annoying. I go to my classroom and make my way to my seat. People have always asked why I was so pale and my response was always the same "my nationality" answer I always gave.
Another thing people made stupid remarks about is why my eyes are different colors. That is something I don't even know, I guess I was just born with it. My heterochromia is another stupid reason people hate me.

Walking into my class is always the worst because people automatically look at me. Ever since Craig got added into our class, things have been weird. Now it feels like there is always a pair of eyes on me. I tell my self it's just paranoia, but another part of me says he's looking at me. "Good morning Kenny, how nice of you to join us" Mr. Garrison comments on my arrival. Seriously, I thought he retired a while ago. How the fuck is he still in this shit whole of a school. Idek if he gets paid, but it's not my problem. "Sorry I guess, it's not my fault the bus was late AGAIN." I emphasize the last word to show that it's not MY fault. "Yeah, yeah whatever. Just sit the hell down so I can start the fucking lesson." He turns his back toward the class, I use this time to slip in my headphones so I don't have to listen to anyone complain. After around 45 min, he starts blabbing on about a group project that we have to do. The worst part is, he's picking the groups. "Alright you little shits, the groups for the projects are
(The next 4 are just random people)
And lastly
That's it, the rest of the period is your do whatever the fuck you want idc"
Great. My project partner is the person I have the least experience with.
Amazing(note the sarcasm)

At lunch, everything was the same as always. The one thing that changed was the fact that I didn't go into the cafeteria, instead I went to an empty classroom. I hadn't seen any teachers in it, so I assumed it was empty.
Boy was I wrong...

A/n: sorry for the short chapter😅 the next chapter should be longer and could have possible mentions of s@ and abuse towards the beginning and end. I will however put a warning before the chapter starts and before the subject is active/talked about.
If you are experiencing this, please talk to someone. People care about you and want to know if you are ok. If you are doubtful I promise, hell I'm one of the people that's worried about you.
I have experienced this, if you ever want to talk to me about this, I am here for you. I will not pressure you into anything you don't want to do.

Pain and scars~Crenny/kenny angstWhere stories live. Discover now