Secrets- kenny

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A/n: please note: THIS CHAPTER WILL HAVE MENTIONS AND SCENES OF ABUSE!! DO NOT READ PAST "⚠️" I will tell you when it's over<3 read with caution

After the boys made it to Kenny's room, the one thing Craig could think about is how nice it looks for someone who's family is poor. (I will put pictures for how his room looks dw;))
C- Hey, this might sound rude but, are you guys actually poor? You have a nice room
K- oh yeah we are. I just have a job to get stuff for me and my sister so that we could actually eat stuff. I work at a cafe down the street. I get around $10/h and I work 26 hours a week. It's really a good job.
C-'How the hell does he do that and school? Does he even sleep?' Do your parents know?
K- God no, if they knew I would have been forced to give them money. They would be stealing all me money and would spend it on drugs and alcohol
Craig let that thought longer for a while until he figured it was normal for them, but he was still concerned. They sat down and discussed what they wanted to do for their project. They finally came up with a presentation on why the willow project should be stopped.
The pictures of his room

 The pictures of his room

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One side

The other side (instead of a lesbian flag, it's a gay one😋)

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The other side (instead of a lesbian flag, it's a gay one😋)

After around 3 hours, it was 7:30 and Kenny decided to make dinner.
K- what do you want for dinner? We could go out somewhere if you want to.
C- umm, idk I'm fine with whatever.
K- ok, why don't we go out to eat?
C- sure that sounds fine.
(The picture at the very top is what Kenny is wearing)

 (The picture at the very top is what Kenny is wearing)CRAIG

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(You choose what shirt he's wearing)

They got ready and headed out to the restaurant they decided on. Unfortunately, Eric, Kyle, and Stan were out and about too.
E- is that Kenny and Craig? Wth are they doing together? Are they gay now?
K/b- shut the fuck up fat ass, it's not our business. Although I am kinda curious.
S- me too, since when did they start hanging out?
E-I'm gonna talk to them
K/B- Cartman, stop dude. It's not even our business.
E- whatever, Jew.

While they were walking, they may or may not have ended up holding hands. That was only because Craig wanted to "Keep Kenny safe", but we all know the real reason. Kenny didn't protest and just let Craig "protect" him, he actually found it quite cute how protective he is. When they made it to the restaurant then walked in and separated their hands in order to not get caught by anyone unexpected.
??- how many?
K- just 2 :)
??- alright, this way please.
The two gays- guys walked over to their table and started to order their drinks. While that were waiting for their food, they started to get to know each other more.
C- Just out of curiosity, what did you think of me when we first met?
K- oh, well at first, I thought you were a dick. But now that I actually talk to you, your pretty nice. What about me, what did you first think of m?
C-when I first saw you, I honestly thought you were autistic. And now, you still act kind of autistic, but your actually kind. Sometimes, you are really rude but it's kinda funny.
K- damn, YOU THINK IM AUTISTIC?! Wow, Craig, low blow.
The two continued to talk until their food came.
(Idk how to make the eating scene, so Time skip to when they got back.)

When they got back it was already around 8:45, so they figured it would be better for Craig to just sleep over. They both went next door to grab stuff, but they didn't realize how long it would take.
C-Mom, I'm grabbing stuff to stay over at a friends.
L- okay, who's house is it?
C-it's the neighbors, they have a kid my age
L- ok i love you! Have fun
C- okay, I love you too
Kenny couldn't help but think how his parents treat him at that time. The boys made their way to Craig's room and started packing. Let's say they got a little side tracked and ended up staying a little late at his house. Right when they were about to leave, Kenny heard the slam of a door and he knew it was his dad.
K- Craig, I need to to crawl over to the ledge outside my window and sneak in. I will meet you there. My dad got home early and he doesn't like when I have friends over.
C- okay, but be careful. You better be in your room at least 5 minutes after me. If not, I'm coming out of your room.
K- okay deal, now go.
Kenny pushed Craig out the window and gave him a slight smile to reassure him and himself.
Kenny slowly made his way out of Craig's apartment and over to his.
He opened the door and was greeted with a solid slap to the face and screaming. His dad was furious, and it showed.
K- I was out at someone's house, studying.
S- Like I'm gonna fucking believe that! Where were you REALLY AT?!
K- I told you, I was out studying!
Not a good idea. 30 seconds later he was getting punched and kicked everywhere. All he could feel was pain, and it never stopped. After 3 minutes, his dad got bored and have his last kick to the head. That was Kenny's final straw, but he had to get up. His 5 minutes were almost up and he knew Craig would leave early. After hearing his dad close the front door, he shakily tried to stand up, but failed miserably
After trying a solid 6 times, he finally managed to get up and hobble his way over to his room.
C- Finally your back. I was abou- HOLY SHIT! What the hell happened?!
Craig frantically ran over to Kenny, trying his best not to freak out.
K- just a little argument.. is all...
You could easily hear his voice trail off at the end. Kenny had bruises all on his arms and legs. If you looked close enough, you could also see some forming on his face.
C- c'mon, let's get you patched up.
They slowly made their way over to the bathroom and patched Kenny up the best they could. When they got to the bedroom, Kenny immediately began to pass out. Craig tried his best to get Kenny over to his bed, and after doing so sat on the floor next to the bed.
Craig promised himself that, no matter what he would protect Kenny.
No matter what.
A/N: Hi! So I just wanted to apologize about the laziness at the end of this chapter. I am really tired because of my Shit-stain of a step- father and school. Luckily, spring break is coming up! So I'll be able to post a lot more. I also have been struggling with my mental health, and shit, so I apologize if my writing abilities slowly decrease lol.
Anyways, have a good day/night! I love you guys and thank you for the support! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

Pain and scars~Crenny/kenny angstWhere stories live. Discover now