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Ever since me and Zack have been together, Zack doesn't seem to be the physically affectionate type. The most he'll give is a peck on the lips or occasionally hold my hand for comfort. I mean I don't blame him, we only started dating 2 months ago after escaping that hell hole of a building. His rough past also made him unable to trust someone easily. We're slowly but surely getting there. His equivalent of saying "I like you" is
"I don't hate ya". I don't mind, I'm happy just being by his side.
I do hate myself a little for falling for a killer though, it's unusual to say the least.
My thought process was abruptly interrupted when Zack came in the room and flopped next to me in bed.

"Hey n/n, whatcha doin??" He said as he sat up and pecked my cheek.
"Not much Zack, just thinking."

"Mm alright, well looky what I got here!" He put his arm around me as he waved some bills in front of me.

"Money? How did you...did you kill someone Zack?"

He scoffed, "Duh! How else would I get money, besides, the guy I killed couldn't stop going on about how he got a promotion or something! He just looked too damn happy, I couldn't help it, heh heh heh!"

I leaned my head on his shoulder and put my arms around him, I could feel him tense up a bit as I did this.

"Uhh, M/n, you okay?"

"..yea, can we lay together Zack?"

"Huh? Uh sure" He put the money aside as we both laid back on the bed, my head on his shoulder. I felt him slowly relax and put his arm around me. It was nice, it was really nice



"Do you like me?"

"Eh? What kind of question is that. Of course I do you dumbass, I wouldn't stand you otherwise."

"Good." I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep

"I like you a lot."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2023 ⏰

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