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Fluff I guess?
H/c= Halloween costume
F/c= Favorite color
F/S/M= Favorite spooky movie

M/n's POV

Me, Zack, Rachel, Eddie, and Cathy are going trick-or-treating this Halloween, while Danny and Gray are gonna hand out candy to children. Now I know what you're thinking, why are 3 grown ass adults going trick-or-treating. Like bitch I want free candy too and so do the others.

All of us were still getting ready in our own rooms, Zack with me of course. Zack was laying on the bed, hands on the back of his head closing his eyes. While I on the other hand was still putting on makeup for my costume. (Or not and just pretend you were adjusting your costume)

"Stupid Zack, doesn't even need to wear a costume" I grumbled. "What was that?" I jumped as I felt Zack's chin on my shoulder and his arms around me. "You're lucky you can just wear your same old clothes and not need to wear a tight scratchy costume, I mean you already look like a mummy from the dead."

I heard Zack snicker at what I said, "Aww com'n don't be so mean hehe." I stuck my tongue out at him, "welp I'm ready what do you think?", " Wow my little M/n turned himself into a H/c, cute!" I chuckled as I pulled him by the hand and went to the living room. There I saw Rachel and Eddie, Eddie looked like he was whining. "B-but Rachel! We were both supposed to be matching bunnies!" Eddie had a bunny costume on while Rachel was dressed as a little devil. It's as if she said 'fuck you bitch I'mma be Satan for Halloween hahah' I chuckled, I saw Danny and Gray pouring candy into a pumpkin bowl and talking.

I didn't see Cathy anywhere. "Muahaha!" Cathy came out of her room in a witch costume posing like a lunatic. "So how do I look!", " Well yo-", "fuck you." Zack said interrupting Rachel. Cathy looked at Zack glaring at him while Zack stared blankly at the floor.

Cathy was rushing towards him, I let go of his hand, "haha nope you're on your own Zack." I rushed to where Danny and Gray were, leaving Zack getting yelled at by Cathy.

I grabbed a piece of candy from the bowl and popped it in my mouth. "Ehh.. Cathy's scary when she's upset or mad." Danny said. "Agreed, so you sure you guys don't want to come with us?", " Haha we're sure M/n, you younglings go have fun. Gray said smiling. I smiled back, "ok then!"

I went to the middle of the room and yelled, "Are You Guys Ready To Go Trick-Or-Treating?!" Everyone looked at me and their faces lit up, "YEA!" They all said in unison. We all grabbed our bags and headed out.

Once we were outside we saw the street full of kids laughing and having a good time, the street houses decorated with spooky props and lights. It was so cool! I turned to Zack on my left and saw he was twitching a bit. Good thing I didn't let him bring his scythe. I got a hold of his hand and  held it softly giving it a light squeeze. He looked at me and smiled, "I promise I won't try anything." I gave him a soft smile,"okay!"

We all headed to the first house which was pretty well decorated, skulls and jack-o-lanterns on the door steps as well as fake tombstones on the lawn and a spider blow up things. (Idk what they're called)
We knocked and a woman opened, "TRICK-OR-TREAT!" We all said. The woman chuckled, "Hello! My 3 grown adults trick-or-treating, how fun!" She handed each of us a couple of pieces of candy, "Thank you!". She closed the door and we moved on.

We went all over the neighborhood our bags half full, many people questioning 3 adults trick-or-treating here and there but chuckled and were supportive. It was pretty dark but still a lot of kids and parents out trick-or-treating.

Rachel spoke up, "So do you guys want to keep trick-or-treating or should we head home?" We all eyed each other and must have been thinking the same thing cuz we all kept on walking further to find more houses to knock on.

"We should head home", "Yea.." We kept walking, "then again.." We went silent and laughed. "Hey mister I love your costume!" A girl dressed as a mummy said walking in front of Zack. "O-oh uh thanks kid..", " Mhmm" She waved as she wandered off to some other house.

"Wow how can someone like Zack's shitty style it's not even a costume, hmph!" Cathy whined, I gasped dramatically, "hey don't call my boyfriend's style shitty!" We all laughed as I held onto Zack's arms.

We went to a couple more houses till our bags were full, we were laughing our asses off at dumb shit we were saying. We saw our house up ahead and knocked. Danny opened up, startled by us shouting trick-or-treat in his face. He chuckled and let us in, I saw Gray making popcorn and cupcakes on the kitchen counter.

"Ah you guys are back just in time we were about to watch a movie!" We all went into our rooms to take off our costumes and put on something more comfortable instead. Me and Zack went to our room, it was 10:00 pm when we got here I'd say that was a pretty good time considering we went out at 8:00 pm.

Zack threw the candy bags to the side and flopped on the bed tired. I stripped out of my costume and washed my face from all the makeup (if u have makeup on) putting on and f/c oversized hoodie and some shorts and socks.

Zack took off his jacket and boots putting on a black shirt and sweat pants on. Zack came over to me and kissed me softly, I kissed back and hugged him. "Ok let's go now." We went to the living room and saw the others waiting for us chatting.

Me and Zack took a seat on an empty couch and I snuggled next to him. "Okay we decided to watch F/S/M." The movie played as we all got comfortable, and watched the movie happy and content from today.


Happy Halloween y'all!!
If you do go trick-or-treating please stay safe out there!👻

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