•His Smile•

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Fluff (≡^∇^≡)

M/n's pov

I was really excited for tonight, me and my boyfriend Zack are going on a date, stargazing. Tonight was one of those nights where the sky was going to be full of stars so bright and beautiful.

I was just waiting for Zack to come home so we can go. It was about 8:00 pm now and the stars would start to show at 9:00. I was in our room preparing everything for when he got here, I packed a blanket for us to lay on when we got here. Not long after I heard the door open and close. I was so happy he was here I jumped off of the bed and ran out the door jumping into his arms.

Zack's pov

I was excited to see my boyfriend, tonight we are going to look at the stars. I got home from killing some people that seemed to damn happy. I saw M/n with a huge smile on his face and saw he was going jump onto my arms and shower me in kisses. I quickly let go of my scythe and catched M/n in my arms hugging him tightly.

Next thing I knew my face was being showered in kisses. "I missed you Zack!" I gave him a full kiss on the lips, "I missed you too M/n" I said smiling. "Now let me just get cleaned up and we can head out okay?" "Mhmm!"

3rd pov

After the two were ready they headed out, they walked to a little secret place they had for dates and other occasions like this. It was a hidden hill where no one would be there but the two of them, no one there to bother them. When they finally got there they set up the blanket and layed down on it.

It was already dark by then and the stars were already visible.

Zack's pov

We were laying down on our backs watching the stars, no one here to bother us just me and M/n. "The stars are beautiful tonight" Said M/n "They are aren't they." M/n turned to me and I turned too, so we were face to face.

God he's beautiful, I grabbed his face gently and gave him a small kiss on the nose. "Haha what'd you do that for?" He said smiling. "Just felt like it" His smile is perfect in every way, I love his smile and will never get tired of seeing it. His smile isn't like other smiles or laughs, his makes my heart feel like it can come out of my chest at any moment. It doesn't make me angry or want to kill, like the others.. It makes my heart flutter and I would never want that to change.

I grabbed his hand and kissed it, I chuckled at his reaction he looked embarrassed but then pecked me on the lips and cuddled next to me. "I love you Isaac please don't ever leave me." I was a little shocked at what he just said. 'M/n I would never leave you no matter what, I love you and would give anything for you." M/n smiled at my words and we continued to look at the stars. This was such an amazing night.


I love this one it's just soo fricking adorable!!!(┛✧Д✧))┛

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