Chapter 3 - The Strange Potion

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I drank Garreth's potion, and everything went dark.

Suddenly, I could feel cold air rushing past my face and through my hair, my robe flapping behind me in the wind. The feel of soft feathers under my fingers.

I opened my eyes and let out a happy giggle. I was riding on Highwing's back and we were soaring through the air, past the high spires of Hogwarts castle. The sun was sitting high in the sky, the light reflecting beautifully on the windows of the castle.

Highwing plunged downwards towards the lake, slowing near the water's surface. I reached out my arm, pulling my fingers through the sparkling water. I could feel happiness and joy wash over me. This is what I had longed for all summer long.

To be back at Hogwarts. To FLY again!

I blinked and the wind vanished. I was once again sitting in our compartment on the Hogwarts Express. My friends all looked rather intently at me, some with eyebrows raised, others with concerned frowns.

I was about to explain my experience, when Garreth cut me off, urging the others to try his potion. Poppy took one look at my face, shrugged her shoulders, and downed the content of the small bottle. For a Hufflepuff, Poppy surely had guts and bravery.

"This better not be anything like last time, Weasley!", Nellie warned. "If I so much as throw up one slug after drinking this, I will...", she trailed off. Natty laughed at Nellie's response, then leaned over and the two of them clinked their bottle together. "Cheers!".

I looked at them in fascination. As on cue, their eyes closed, and a smile spread over their faces. Then a few seconds later, they opened their wide eyes in surprise and wonder. "How? What is this potion, Garreth?", Polly asked, the rest of us leaning in expectantly waiting for Garreth's answer.

After a very clearly dramatic pause, he answered grinning from ear to ear, "I call it the Flask of Revelations!" he said moving his hands in a theatrical manner. "It reveals your greatest desire in that exact moment. If you are hungry, you might see your favourite food. My sister saw herself feeding a baby unicorn a whole bag of carrots." He chuckled a little at that one. "The effect only lasts for a few seconds, but the vision itself can feel like it goes on for around five minutes, depending on the dosage". His green eyes landed on me, "Y/n, would you mind sharing your experience with the class?".

"I was flying around Hogwarts!", I answered with a smile. Those green eyes seemed to twinkle with recognition, "Which makes perfect sense" he started. "Seeing how much you missed Hogwarts during the break, even Professor Binns lectures". This made the other girls laugh.

Poppy gave me a hug. "Y/n, you know you're always welcome at Gran's cottage. You should have come and stayed with us". I hugged her back, "Thank you Poppy. I really appreciate that."

"What did you see?", Garreth asked directing his attention to Poppy.

With a big grin and a happy sigh, she answered, "I saw a Phoenix!".

I felt a slight tug of guilt in my chest. Unbeknownst to my friends, Professor Weasley (Garreth's aunt) had shown me a magical room last year, known as the Room of Requirement. I had been given permission to use the room as I saw fit to help catch up on my studies, since I enrolled late at Hogwarts as a fifth year student.

The room had so many incredible features, it would create new rooms as I required them. It had also created four Vivariums, in which I could store magical beast as I rescued them. One of those Vivariums housed a Phoenix.

I had not shared the room with any of my friends, although I was planning on changing that this year.

For the Love of Potions | A Garreth Weasley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now