Chapter 13 - Studying in the library - Part. 1

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Garreth POV

Once we made it into the castle, we stopped and looked at each other.

Matilda had called me into her office after first period. She had sat me down and had a stern talk to me about missing curfew almost every night the week before. To be fair, I had made a promise to my dad and Matilda over the summer break to be a more earnest student for the rest of my time at Hogwarts. The results of my N.E.W.T.'s would dictate my career prospects once I graduated Hogwarts. Although I still had no idea what I wanted to do with my life post-graduation, I still understood the importance of the examinations.

Then the term had started, and y/n had shown me the room of requirement, and all I could think about was her. I loved spending time with her, especially alone. But, I had made a promise to my family, and I needed to spend some time studying as well. Not to mention my potions, with everything going on I hadn't gotten to spend nearly enough time working on my next big concoction.

I looked over at y/n, hesitantly I said, 'I don't think that I can make it to the room of requirement today. Matilda is on my back about my studies, and she has ordered me to study in the library after practice every day this week, and all the rest until I graduate for that matter".

To my surprise, y/n gave me a big smile and said, "I'm so glad you said that, I've been meaning to tell you the same thing. I know we're only two weeks into the term, but I feel like I am already falling behind on my studies. Between Quidditch practice, studies, and you I already feel like I don't have enough time in a day", she abruptly stopped her rambling.

I cocked my eyebrow at her, and with a mischievous grin I asked, "Between Quidditch, studies and me? Y/n, do you think of me as an activity?". Her cheeks were now dusted with pink. She seemed to fumble for words, "Of course not, that's not what I meant", she exclaimed all flustered. I let out a laugh, she looked so damn adorable that I could not help myself.

I took her hand and pulled her into an empty classroom. As soon the door shut behind us, I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her into a kiss. The feeling of her soft body against mine, made my heart race. She was so beautiful, and she had no idea what she did to me. I'd fancied her from the first time I met her, and I could almost not believe that she was now in my arms, eagerly kissing me back.

When we finally pulled away from each other, she asked with a giggle, "What was that all about?". "I am just following up on my promise from this morning, to continue our kiss", I said and gave her a playful wink. I opened the door and followed her out into the hallway. "We should probably head to the library now".

As we made our way past some bookshelves and to the dedicated study section of the library, I was surprised at how many of our friends were scattered around the room. Their faces buried in books. Natty, Nellie and Poppy were sitting at a table together, and y/n immediately started walking towards them. Leander and Amit were sitting at another table across the room from the girls. Leander gave me a smile and signalled for me to join them.

I sat down with the boys. "Fancy seeing you guys here", I said with a smile. Amit gave me a surprised smile, "Garreth, I don't believe that I have ever seen you in the library before", then he frowned at his own statement. "I am sorry, I didn't mean for that to come out as rude, I was simply making an observation". I let out a laugh, "Amit, you have nothing to worry about". I lowered my voice to a conspiratorial tone, "In fact, I don't think I have ever sat foot in this library during its opening hours. I have, however, been here a few times after curfew to have a look in the restricted session. But you did not hear this from me", I gave him a mischievous wink.

Leander let out a laugh, "Let me guess, Matilda, is behind your sudden presence in the library". I gave him a wicked grin nodding my head. Leander had been my first real friend at Hogwarts and growing up we used to spend a few weeks every summer staying over with each other's families. We'd had a bit of a falling out the year before but hearing him refer to my aunt by her first name and him instantly picking up on her involvement in me being here, made me miss our friendship.

We made some jokes and chatted for a bit longer before the three of us settled down reading our textbooks and taking notes. I found it hard to concentrate, constantly looking over at y/n. She had been chatting away with the girls, but was now furiously writing away, the feather of her quill dancing by the movement. Her head suddenly jerked up and she looked right at me, I was a little embarrassed that she caught me staring. Her face lit up and she gave me a smile and a wave. Then a mischievous smirk crossed her face, and she got up from here seat, disappearing behind some tall bookshelves.

I made up some excuse and got up to follow her. I could have sworn that Nellie had an amused look on her face as I walked past their table. I found y/n at the back of library, hidden away in a dark corner. As soon as I turned the corner to where she was, she threw her hands around me, pushing me into a bookshelf. Our kisses were growing more passionate, and I let my hand fall from her lower back cupping a feel of her round butt.

"Oh, my favourite form of 'studying'", I teased when she reluctantly removed her arm from around my neck. I patted her hair down; it had gotten a little messy in our scuffle. "Wait here for a few minutes before you come out, as to not make the others suspicious", she said as she leaned up and gave me a quick peck on the lips. I stood there, trying to wipe what must easily be the biggest goofiest smile of my face. After some time had passed, I grabbed a random book of the shelf and made my way back to my table.

"Numerology and Grammatica? I didn't know that you are also taking Advanced Arithmancy Studies", Amit said with a smile. "Huh?". "The book you are holding, mate!", Leander said with a laugh. "Ahh" I muttered, scratching the back of my head, I could feel my face going red. "Actually, I am not, but I thought it might make for some light reading", I said trying to cover my tracks. They both broke out laughing, "You are such a goof", Leander said wiping a tear from his eyes. "You are always so funny, Garreth, how do you think of all these jokes?", Amit asked, still chuckling to himself. "But if you don't mind, I am happy to take it off your hands as I actually need it for class".

For the Love of Potions | A Garreth Weasley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now