Chapter 6 - Quidditch tryouts

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I had just finished eating my breakfast and was about to ask if we should start making our way to the first class of the day, when Professor Black took the podium. He cleared his throat loudly, waiting impenitently for every eye in the Hall to turn towards him. With disdain showing  on his face, he started talking.

"Attention, students. Thanks to Madam Kogawa's efforts, the Department of Magical Games and Sports have gotten involved. And it is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that Quidditch will return to Hogwarts this term". Madam Kogawa cleared her throat, she was standing a few paces behind Professor Black, eyebrow raised. "Hm? Oh... Yes. This term and all the rest, in the foreseeable future".

The Great Hall erupted with applause and cheering. Students started throwing food up in the air. I looked over at the Slytherin table where Imelda was standing up clapping her hands and cheering.

Professor Black stepped aside, and Madam Kogawa took the Podium. "I am just as pleased as all of you, but if I might have your attention". The room gradually went quiet, everyone waiting with anticipation you could feel in the air. "Rehearsals will be held at the Quidditch Pitch all day today. Each house will tryout individually and the results will be posted in your common rooms tomorrow morning. Gryffindor, your tryouts will take place during first period. Followed by Slytherin, then Hufflepuff and lastly Ravenclaw in the last period of the day".

Looking over at our table, addressing us directly "I expect to see you all on the pitch in 20 minutes".

Directing her attention back to the whole room, she continued "If you don't want to tryout, you are welcome to observe and cheer on your classmates from the stands. However, you can only watch the tryouts of your own house".

This caused the Great Hall to erupt once more. Everybody in the room, minus the headmaster, was clearly excited about the resumption of Quidditch, or at least an excuse to miss out on one of their classes for the day.

Excitedly, I looked over at my friends and smiled. Walking out of the Great Hall in a sea of exited students, I found myself next to Nellie and Natty. "We should all tryout together!". Nellie nodded her head enthusiastically, "Definitely!". Natty smiled, and with a shrug of her shoulder she laughed, "I don't really understand the rules, but why not. We did not play Quidditch at Uagadou, we have our own wizarding sports".

I looked behind me and saw Garreth being pulled along with the crowd of people. I turned to Nellie and Natty, "You guys go on ahead, I'll meet you at the Quidditch pitch. I stepped to the side, letting the crowd pass me, until I found myself next to Garreth. Any embarrassment or awkwardness from the night before, washed away in the excitement.

I gently bumped into him, getting his attention. Giving him my sweetest smile, I said, "Hi, Garreth. You'll join me and the rest of the gang at tryouts, right?". He gave me a half apologetic, half amused smile. "I don't know. It seems like quite the time commitment with practice almost every day. That is time that I could be spending trying to get my potions right".

"Common Garreth! You must join us; it will be fun!". He gave me a skeptical look. "I promise it will be a lot of fun, and there is no harm in trying out.", pumping into him playfully, I continued "You might not even make the team". He let out a laugh, "Okay, I'll join". Giving me a mischievous grin, "But only because you asked so nicely". I bit my lip, that grin made me feel a certain way.


Tryouts were a lot of fun! Nellie, Natty and I decided to tryout for the role as Chasers. We more or less pushed Garreth into trying out as a Beater.

Walking back to the castle afterwards, we were laughing and excitedly talking about the different happenings from the tryouts. Garreth had been a little bit shaky on his school broom initially. However, as the tryouts picked up in intensity, he seemed to find his footing, effectively deflecting Bludgers with his bat. We did well as Chasers too, I reckoned. Nellie scored a total of five goals, Natty and I both scored three each. We worked really well together as a team, communicating effectively, passing the Quaffle between us with ease.

We entered the castle and made our way towards the Charm classroom for our second period. Garreth and I found ourselves walking next to each other a little behind the group. I looked over at him, and with a smile I asked "So, did you have fun?". He gave me a big smile, "I did, y/n. Turns out you were right". A cheeky smile spread on his lips, as he leaned in and whispered, "This time". 

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