Chapter 11 - A trip to Hogsmeade and a new Broom - Part. 1

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As usual, Garreth made his way into the Great Hall after the rest of us had been sitting there for a bit enjoying our breakfast. Our eyes met as he made his way over to our table, and the smile he gave me made my heart race. He sat down in the seat next to me, his arm gently brushing against mine, as with a big grin he reached over and grabbed some bacon off my plate. "Hey!" I protested, as he happily took a bite of the bacon. With a laugh, he started piling food onto his plate.

"You're in a good mood this morning", Nellie remarked. Garreth stabbed the sausage on his plate with his fork, took a big bite, and just stared blankly at Nellie as he happily chewed away. After he finished chewing, he let out a laugh and asked, "Am I usually in a bad mood?". Nellie rolled her eyes, "No, but you seem awfully cherry. Especially since we lost to Slytherin". "It's true", Natty chimed in, "You are beaming". Garreth put a hand to his chest, fluttering his eyelashes, "Ladies, you flatter me so". This made the rest of the table burst out laughing. He gave my hand a gentle squeeze under the table as he said, "I guess I just have a lot of reasons to be happy".

As we made our way out of the Great Hall, Garreth looked over at me, and asked with a smile, "How would you feel about skipping lunch today, and instead accompanying me to Hogsmeade? If we travel by floo flame, I am confident that we will make it back in time for Herbology". His hand reached out and discreetly took a hold of mine, our hands hidden by our cloak sleeves. "Do not worry, you will not be going hungry. I will treat you to lunch as a thank you for your help". I laughed, "I haven't even said yes yet". A cocky smile graced his lips, "You will".

His smile growing wider, he pulled me around the corner. Hidden away from everyone, he took a step towards me. He looked down at me with those deep green eyes, and with the most adorably goofy smile, he leaned in and kissed me. I reached up wrapping my hands around his neck. After a few seconds, he reluctantly pulled away. "To be continued...", he whispered, before he walked away. I took a moment to gather myself before I too made my way to my class.

I had Charms for my first period. I did not have many classes together with Garreth, although I wished we had every class together, it was probably for the best that we didn't. Enrolling in Hogwarts in my fifth year I had to study hard for my O.W.L. exams, and I knew that the next two years leading up to the N.E.W.T. exams would be even harder. As much as I wanted to goof around with Garreth, I also needed to prioritize my studies.

I sat down at the desk next to Poppy. I was happy to get a change to chat with her before the class started. I had admittedly gotten so swept up with Quidditch and Garreth, that we had not had much time to talk since the train ride.

I met Garreth in front of the floo flame in Central Hall, after my Defence Against the Dark Arts class. He was already waiting for me there and gave me a big smile as I approached him. "Ready for a fun outing with your favourite wizard?". "Why? Is Leander joining us?", I teased. I smirked at him as I added floo powder to the flame and said "South Hogsmeade". My surroundings flashing around me and a churning feeling in my stomach, and I found myself on the street of Hogsmeade. Garreth appeared next to me, and we walked around the corner and entered Spintwitches Sporting Needs.

A smile spread across Albie Weekes face as we walked into the shop. "Y/n, it so good to see you! I heard from Professor Weasley that you made the team. I am more than pleased that Quidditch have finally returned to Hogwarts!". He lowered his voice to a conspirative tone, "Good for business too". "You know my aunt?", Garreth asked with raised eyebrows. "Oh, do I ever. Matilda and I were in the same year at Hogwarts, in the same house in fact." "You were a Gryffindor?", I asked. Albie puffed his chest, "Quidditch captain in my sixth and seventh year. Go Gryffindor!", his eyes got a far away look, no doubt thinking back to his own time as a student.

After a moment, he cleared his throat and with a smile he asked, "What can I do for you today, my young friends?". "I need a broom", Garreth said, his eyes glancing over the various brooms on display. "Matilda told me that you are a Beater, with that in mind...", Albie took a moment to think, "I would recommend either the Ember Dash Broom or the Moon Trimmer Broom. The first will provide ample support in quick maneuvering and speed, whereas the second will provide stabilization as you lean over and bat off Bludgers". Garreth studied the two brooms, then he looked over at me, "Y/n, what do you think?"

Garreth ended up buying an altered version of the Moon Trimmer Broom. Albie removed the lantern and saddle bags, instead adding a red leather seat and red leather to the body of the broom for extra grip support. As he was handing Garreth the broom, he also told us that he had added his most recent upgrade to the broom free of charge. Garreth protested at that, but Albie insisted that it was the least he could do for Matilda's nephew.

We made our way back to the floo flame and Garreth instructed me to travel to the Grand Staircase floo flame. Back at the castle, he looked over at me with a big grin, "Hungry? I did promise you lunch". I looked up at him confused. He put his hand on my lower back and guided me towards the stairs leading town to the Hufflepuff Common Room. We made our way down the stairs, stopping in the middle of the brick laid hallway. Garreth turned to face a big portrait of fruit, he gave me a grin and a wink and then leaned in and tickled the pear. To my surprise the pear started to giggle, and then transformed into a doorknob. 

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