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"jesus that things heavy." pope whines after failing to help jj pick up the keg. usually john b and jj carry it together but john b was trying to start a fire.

"let me try." i grin and walk over to jj, one handle in his hand already. he grins.

"alright, don't hurt yourself though, lift with your legs." he instructs me as i put my right hand in the left handle. he starts to count down.

"3.. 2.. 1.. lift." he mumbles. the second i hear lift, we both raise the keg into the air. pope glares at me in disbelief.

"jesus pope, how weak are you?" i laugh. kie laughs along with me and jj, but pope doesn't find it quite as funny.

at some point we get to a fallen tree. i groan when jj tells me to drop the keg. but i drop it and step over. pope frowns.

"so now what do we do? wait for john b to come over here and get it over?" kie raises a brow. jj rolls his eyes.

"oh come on, im not pope. i can lift the keg on my own." he states, before putting both his hands in the handles and lifting it up onto the trunk of the tree. he let's go of it, and does a little bow.

"youre so stupid." kie laughs, before turning back around and continuing on, pope following her. just as jj flips them off, the keg starts to fall.


jj immediately jumps over the trunk and lifts the keg off my foot.

"holy shit, y/n, im so sorry, i shouldn't of let go of the stupid keg. are you okay?" he cups my face in his hands. i feel tears forming in my eyes but push them back.

"im fine, j. its not your fault." i half smile, he has a guilty look in his eyes, but he nods.

"john b!!" kie shouts, and as if he was already headed over here he shouts back.

"im coming!" he replies. jj fixes he keg so it's sitting up right. john b walks over to us all and looks around.

"you guys good?" he raises a brow, and we all nod except for jj. john b shrugs and walks over to keg, lifting one handle and letting jj lift the other. kie helps me limp my way over to the spot we place the keg and jj screws on the pump.

i sit down on the ground beside it and watch jj pump it up.

"alright, i think it's good." he grins and i open my mouth.

"let me test it" i laugh and he aims it at me, and it sprays everywhere. i laugh even harder, swallowing what managed to get in my mouth and wiping the rest off. we pour a shit ton of people some beer before everyone goes off and talks to other people.

i see a few girls hit on jj, but for once in his entire life he shoots them down.

"john b!" jj walks over to his best friend, definitely drunk, but not too drunk.

"whatre you doing?" he stares at us. and we both laugh. i was sitting on his shoulders, and he had his arms securing my legs.

"do you want this one?" jj laughs, and holds out a beer. john b nods.

"yeah, ill take a sip." he shrugs but then jj sees sarah cameron walking by and just has to stop her.

"oh, wait. hey, hey, hey! sarah!" he grins  and topper, being my friend, gives me a weird look. i smile at him and he shrugs.

i met topper in the 6th grade when he asked me to go to the valentines dance with him. now that i really think about it, jj was a huge dick to him whenever he saw us dancing together.

"sarah, can i interest you in a tasty milwaukee beverage?" he slurs his words a little bit, showing how drunk he is.

"no, thanks." she grins, clearly being polite.

"what? is it not fancy enough for you?" he laughs, and almost spills some of the drink, his hand was shaking a little. i glance at john b, giving him a look, knowing shits about to go down. he nods and comes up behind me.

"no, we were just leaving-" sarah keeps her smile up, and i see her giggle at me for a second. i smile back at her, and john b grabs my waist and lifts me off of jjs shoulders.

"hey, you know what, ill take it. i appreciate it man, really." topper was obviously being sarcastic.

"that's really nice, but i didn't ask you. if you said pretty please, maybe. but you didnt." jj shrugs.

"oh, pretty please. pretty please." topper laughs and jj turns back to sarah.

"so sarah, you can have it." jj offers the drink to sarah again. topper shoves the drink out of jjs hand and the whole drink splashes onto jj. he looks pissed. before i can say or do anything, jj shoves topper and john b has to quickly step in to push jj out of the way.

until topper says something else.

"dirty pogues!" he shouts. john b let's go of jj, turns around and shoves topper, and then backs up. then topper punches john b in the face and onto the ground. pope holds back jj as much as he can and i see sarah, looking terrified.

"hey, john b! dont make me drown you like your old man, alright?" topper laughs and kicks him into the water again. john b jumped up and they both just started punching eachother repeatedly. at least jj wasn't trying to start fighting them now.

everyone was cheering and chanting for them to fight. then topper hit john b into the water, holding his head down. i heard sarah yelling for him to stop, pope was clearly losing his mind watching this and then i realized jj was running towards them. jj was holding a gun to his toppers head.

"yeah, you know what that is." he speaks up after the safety clicks. the crowd was suddenly gone, it was only the people who really cared.

"your move, broski!" he shouts. everyone was yelling for him to stop.

"we're good, we're good, we're good!" topper had both his hands by his head, and was moving very slowly, jj still had the gun to his head.

i was frozen in place. i couldn't even move a little bit. as soon as jj backed off, topper ran to sarah, and i ran to both of them.

"are you okay?!" i was genuinely worried. he glared at me.

"check your pyscho boyfriend!" he shouts and he ran away with sarah. i heard 2 gunshots and quickly turned around. jj had shot the gun in the air twice. i rushed over to him and grabbed his wrist out of the air, snatching the gun and putting it on safety.

"what the fuck is wrong with you?!" i punch him in the arm and shove him. he's still pissed, even after all of that.

"i was saving his life!" he shouts back at me. kie runs over to john b, and pope follows quickly behind.

"so you pulled a fucking gun on him?! i mean hell, have you ever even shot a gun before today?! you could've killed him!" i toss the gun onto the ground and he was clearly not even mad at anyone directly, he was just angry. he had this problem often so i can't say i was surprised.

"good! he was trying to kill john b!" he shrugs it off like this was nothing.

"you fucking idiot! youre acting just like your asshole dad, you know that?!" the second that slips from my mouth, i know I've taken it too far. kie, and pope know it too, because they both looked back at me. his gaze softens (im so fucking funny guys)

"im sorry, i shouldn't of said that-" i try to place my hand on his arm but he flinches.

"jj please, im sorry." i take his hand. he has tears in his eyes but he shakes them away.

"no, youre right. dont apologize." he shrugs and i feel a pit of guilt in my stomach.

"are you okay?" i look into his blue eyes. i loved those blue eyes.

"im fine. we should check on john b." he nods, i feel my heart fucking burn.


1420 words

(sorry I didn't know how to end it 😭🙏)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2023 ⏰

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