Chapter 12; First Priority Who?

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'Naruto is not in the village,' Sasuke finally figured out.

For some short moments, he had been wondering how and why the village was so calm. Tuning out the speaking Iruka in the background, he continued to not pay attention.

He had not been disturbed since the morning. Sitting in the academy, doing nothing at all, he idly wondered if this was how normal children spent their days.

Well, of course, they had friends; something Sasuke doesn't want and doesn't have.

Back to the matter at hand. Naruto was not in the village, why?

The blonde idiot had gone out to get sealing scrolls from Land of Whirlpools. That might've been his first good idea in all of his tragic life. And also, maybe the last.

'Some sealing scrolls', the blonde had said.

Sasuke was so sure that Naruto was lying. Why, you ask?

First of all, he looked away from his eyes, exactly three seconds by the clock. 

Then, he smiled a smile that said, 'I can do nothing about it.' It was so not Naruto. 

And then third, His left foot shifted slightly from where it was before.

This had Sasuke come to the conclusion that there was definitely an ulterior motive.

He sighed, if there was an ulterior motive, why wasn't he told about it? He decided to go to the Hokage's office for the third time in two days. 

 He was getting awfully familiar with that place now.

During the recess of the academy, Sasuke sneaked out (from the front door), and quietly went to the office (not quiet at all).

"Ah, Sasuke. Looks like Naruto was correct."

Sasuke took a moment to process that, what had Hiruzen meant by that? He was asking many questions these days, wasn't he?

He recalled what happened in the morning and sighed.


He woke up, due to slight rustling in his bedsheets. He found a letter flying in the air and the window opened. 

For a quick moment, he wondered if he should grab his weapons. But he then realized that the only one who could hope on sneaking up on him was Naruto, (and Kaguya, and Madara, and Obito, and Itachi; not that he'll ever admit that).

He grabbed the note which said:

'Bye Sasuke-chan! Going by the whirlpools to grab some seals, be right beside ya real quick!'


Was he really that predictable?

"No, you are not," Hiruzen answered his unasked question.

"How did you?"

"He predicted that too," Hiruzen replied, mirth clear in his eyes. "He knows you too well."

"What is Naruto hiding from me?"

"Oh no, he isn't hiding anything. He told me to tell you because he had, you know, not very much time."

Oh, so he has been demoted from Naruto's first priority to his third or maybe fourth priority.

He did not feel bad, nope, not at all.

"He went to search for Shisui's body."

His eyes widened.

"Why didn't he-"

"Because he knew you'd want to go with him, so he told me to tell you sometime later."

"That dobe," Sasuke sighed.

Of course, he should've thought of that. The river in which Shisui, had, well, committed suicide flowed to the Uzushiogakure, this made much more sense.

'Out of nowhere, Naruto would never get a good idea,' he thought to himself and physically stopped himself from glaring at the Hokage for not telling him sooner.

"Arigato Hokage-same," he replied as he proceeded to shunshin back to his class.


On the front of the door of the class stood a young and scared Iruka. He had never taught a class before, and this class was full of students from big clans.

He took a deep breath in and headed towards the door.

As soon as Iruka was about to open the door, a student half his height suddenly, very suddenly, appeared in front of him.

And Iruka screamed. Hard. (It was manly, mind you.)


Thanku for reading this.

Shoutout to @shikamaru_the_queen for never letting me give up (lazing off) :> 

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