Chapter 14; Godaime Hokage.

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It was definitely not a normal day in Konoha. Hiruzen had demanded all the village to gather below the Hokage tower, for he had an important announcement.

"People of Konoha, I, the third Hokage; have found a successor."

Hiruzen waited for the information to sink in before the crowd rose up in uproar.

"I am now old, I cannot protect the village anymore."

A few shouts of protest rang in the crowd.

"It has been a long journey, protecting Konoha. I have seen the village at its lowest and its highest. It was an honor to serve this mighty village. It is such a pleasure seeing this village flourish."

The crowd fell silent as it listened to its Hokage's words.

"But I am afraid can't, anymore."

Sadness fell on the people.

"The new Hokage will lead this village to its full potential, I believe in her."

Sadness was replaced by excitement.

"I welcome, the greatest healer there was, one of three sanin, the Godaime Hokage, Tsunade Senju!" Hurzen shouted.

All the people were cheering as Tsunade stepped into view, smiling and waving.

Though it all stopped almost immediately when everyone caught sight of what was behind her.

"Orochimaru!" they shouted in fear.

Chaos descended on the crowd.

"People of Konoha!" Hiruzen shouted, "The three sanin are back in the village, ready to support us in any danger!"

"Orochimaru has requested to join Konoha again. Most trusted of my ministers have affirmed that he is indeed truly sorry for his actions," Hiruzen said.

The crowd, the people who trusted their Hokage deeply, accepted it. They knew if they didn't trust their Hokage, then who will?

"I, solemnly announce that my old teammate and a powerful shinobi have died in action. He died a heroic death, Shimura Danzo. May we have a moment of silence for him?"

(cue me playing the trumpet cause what silence?)

Hiruzen felt disgusted uttering that serpent's name. That traitor had almost destroyed the village. May that bastard go to hell.

"That was all. Now all of you may return to your work. The Godaime Hokage will deal with the village."

He was free, free like a bird. He would finally get to rest at home with his wife and his 15-year-old son, Asuma.

FINALLY, he will get to spend time with his family.
FINALLY, he got rid of the evil paperwork.
FINALLY, he didn't have to worry about the village anymore, now that it was in capable hands.
FINALLY, he didn't feel regret not eating dinner with his family.
FINALLY, he didn't have to risk his life anymore, knowing that there is a son waiting at home for him, finally.

Hiruzen hadn't felt like this in months, maybe years, or decades. He felt relieved like all the weight of the world was lifted off his shoulder.

And he owed all that to the hard work of Naruto and Sasuke. He will be indebted to them for life.

They saved the village.

"Thank you, Naruto, and Sasuke," he uttered in his breath, a soft smile playing on his lips.


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