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Lyanna's POV

"Harper, stop running!  I mean it now!"  My six year old sister seems bipolar at times.  She could be so silent and observant one time and then nosy and ebullient the next.  

"I want to catch the white bunny, Ly! He is so cute!  I want the bunny, faster Ly, faster!"

Harper has always been my soft spot.  Our fifteen year gap made me so protective of her.  We lost our father, the late alpha of the Amethyst Pack, when she was just one year old.  Our luna mother had to relinquish the Alpha title to my eldest male cousin.  

"We had been running for an hour now, sweetie.  The bunny has no plans of being caught.  Stop now, please!"  

Harper was a good three meters ahead of me when all of a sudden she halted.  A loud growl was heard.  Then more growls followed.

"Eeeehhhh!!!!"  Harper shrilled and ran back to me.  She hugged my legs so tight out of fear.

Where are we?  This is not good.  Have we crossed a pack border without our knowledge?  I never knew that my uncle's pack is close to another pack.  My sister and I has just been to Blue Stone pack for a good two months.  We moved here because it was my dying mother's last wish, that Harper and I leave London and join our uncle Alpha Waylen's pack in Norway.

 I lifted Harper in my arms and hugged her close.  She is trembling.  My hair is sticking to my sweaty face and my vision is somehow blocked but I definitely know wolves have come and they are not happy with us being here.

"I wanna go home, Lyanna!"  Harper sobbed.  " I know sweetie, I know.  Stay quiet, do you hear me?"  She nodded.

Five massive wolves are now approaching us.   They are a sight  to behold.  Their stance and aura are unique unlike any wolves I have encountered so far.  They are snarling at us to intimidate us.  I do not think they will attack.  Or will they?  Harper shakes within my arms.  "I'm sorry Ly..." She whispered in my ear.   "Sshhhh, we are fine, we are gonna be fine."  I try to pacify her.

One wolf shifted to human form.  I looked away as he wears his shorts.  He is as expected well built and gorgeous because his wolf is gorgeous.  "You are under arrest for illegally trespassing on royal grounds."  Royal grounds?  Oh shit!  What royal grounds?  My face said it all, my bafflement that the royal territory is that close to my uncle's pack.  The Alpha King playboy lives so close to our pack?  How come this never came to topic at Blue Stone Pack.

"We have no bad intentions.  My sister chased a bunny all this way.  We are new to this place, to this country, and we did not know that we have already trespassed to another pack, much less the royal pack.   If you would please, my sister is shaking with fear, please let us go free and be on our way home."  I pleaded.  My hopes dwindled when the other four wolves growled menacingly at the words " go free".

"Go free?  My pretty, nobody goes free that easily in this grounds.  I am beta Rhett, and under his highness King Knox's order, you two are to be escorted to the dungeons for questioning and laying of punishment."

I swallowed my saliva.  I cannot allow this.  I need to fight somehow, at least for Harper.  

"You will not put an innocent child in the dungeon nor touch a hair from her, do you hear me?"  I was extremely mad that it sounded like I was reprimanding the royal beta.  I shivered in what I just did.  We are going into so much deeper trouble now.

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