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Much as I should be rejoicing that we will not be thrown to the dungeons, the part where the Alpha King will still judge us scares me.  All the wolves have now shifted to their human form guarding us as if we are high profile criminals.  I hold Harper's hand tightly as we march to the palace.

"The Alpha King is close.  You will either hate him or love him." Rhett snickered.

"All I care is going home with my sister. How much farther?  We are very exhausted."

The beta had no time to reply because I gave a loud shrill.  " AAAahhhhhhh, freakin' uuuggghhh!!!"  My right foot got caught in a leghold trap for animals.  The pain was intense that I feel my stomach churning and my head swirling.  

"Shit, shit, shit!  Don't move, let me try to release your foot!" the beta is panicking and I do not understand why he even cared.  He and another wolf tried to pry the trap open but it only aggravated the pain.  This time my shrill is doubly louder. 

 "Effing, the king will kill us for sure", beta Rhett's face turned white matching mine.  The other wolves are restless too.

A commanding loud growl was heard and the sound of thundering paws approach us.  I could hardly keep it together but got a glimpse of a massive black wolf.  My wolf who should be feeling pain is now suddenly feeling excitement.  What the heck?  This is not the time to flirt.

As my strength ebbs I am now seeing orange and surely will pass out.  I was expecting to hit the ground as I fall but it never came.  I tried to open my eyes and was mesmerized by the man holding me.  His blue eyes are captivating.  His arms are strong and sending tingling sparks in my own skin.  He smells so heavenly, oh so addicting.  My wolf yelp.  It registered to my mind who this wolf is in my life.

"Mate", he whispered.  His face showed both surprise and worry.  "Hang in there my little bunny, I'll take the pain away."  His voice is oh so enticing.  I want him to never stop speaking to me, however, my mind and body could not hold it any longer as everything turns black,  as black as the gorgeous wolf who is my mate.


I slowly opened my eyes.  I am disoriented.  Where am I?  What happened?  Harper.  Harper!!!  Where is my sister?  I abruptly sat down and got dizzy.  I held my head with my two hands.  My throat felt like a knife and just realized how my right foot is throbbing.  "Oh my goddess!"  Everything came back to me from running after Harper to being held by my mate.  I scan the room that I am in.  Everything is mostly white and the distinct smell I know very well made me conclude that I am at the hospital.  When I looked to my right, I saw Harper sleeping in another hospital bed.  No!  Is my sister hurt?  What have they done to her?  I growled in anger.

"Lyanna!"  Harper quickly rose from the bed as my growl awakens her.  She seems fine.  Oh the relief!  If anything happens to her, I do not know what to do.  

"Harper, come here sweetie, are you all right"?

"I am fine, Ly.  Are you okay?  You were so hurt and I got scared.  You won't wake up for days..."  

"For days?  What happened, Harper?  Tell me everything, please."

"You passed out because of the pain, the trap was silver and it weakened you. The Alpha King carried you all the way here.  He would not let anyone touch you.  Ly, I heard him say you are his mate, what is a mate?"

The Alpha King is my mate!  No, not the same king they gossip about in Blue Stone pack.  The one who slept with hundreds of women and whose appetite for sex is insatiable.  The very one who brutally kills enemies or allies who cross him and the one who rarely shows leniency.  Moon goddess must have made a mistake.  I cannot be paired to this kind of werewolf.   I had yearned for my mate, yes, but I never wished for an alpha or an alpha king that is.  I just wanted to be cherished and loved and to live in peace.  This is so stressful.  I cannot be here.  I need time to sort things and feelings out.  

"Harper, we need to leave, sweetie.  We cannot stay here.  We are not sure of our safety here.  We need to find a way to get back to Uncle Waylen!  Come, sweetie help me get dressed."

"Ly, the alpha king will get mad.  He gets mad at the slightest thing when it comes to you.  He only allowed me to stay near you because I would not stop crying.  He is a scary person, he will be very very mad."

"We have to take our chances, come on, and let's be fast and quiet."

I took a deep breath as I pulled the needle out of my arm.  Blood splatted on the bed.  Harper helped me change from the hospital gown to my clothes and shoes.  I tried to stand and was surprised I can manage the pain.  The first thing that came to my mind is locking the door and try opening some windows.  Fortunately, one window was left unlocked and it has started to get dark.  The darkness will make our escape less complicated.  Or so I think....

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