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I opened my eyes and was blinded by the lights that I closed them again.  My entire body aches.  I dared to slowly open my eyes again and noticed that I am at the hospital.  I looked to my left and saw my arm on a sling.  Wires and nodes were attached to different parts of my body.

"Knox."  His name is the first on my lips.  "Knox."  I tried louder.

The door opened and Doctor Martin and Nurse Janice came rushing.  

"My Queen, how do you feel?"  Dr. Martin asked.

"Achy." I replied softly.  Nurse Janice was checking the monitor and the readings.

"How bad was I?"  I asked them.  They both stopped , looked at each other, then looked at me with serious expression on their faces.  "What?"

The door banged open to our startle.  "If she is doing fine, leave us."  The two looked scared but do not want to leave me with the grumpy king. "I SAID LEAVE!"  Dr. Martin and Nurse Janice bowed and moved out of the room.  


"You do not get to talk before me!  You asked how bad you were, let me tell you, VERY BAD!"  He is like a different person.  Wasn't he even the slightest worried about what happened to me.  Isn't he happy that I am conscious now?  

"You shielded my father from my wolf's wrath with your body.  I almost tore your limb because of your foolish act!  You spilled so much blood that you almost died before we can get you to the hospital.  If we did not transfuse my blood into you in time, I could have lost you.  And you know the worst part, Lyanna?  You almost died with our unborn pup!  You endangered the baby all because YOU REFUSE TO TRUST ME!"  Knox is really enraged.

I was in shock.  Baby... I am carrying our baby.  I almost died with the baby.  I shook my head.

"I did not know."  I wanted to convince him. "Had I known I would have been more careful with my decisions and actions."  

"Hahaha!  Do not make me laugh, Lyanna.  Knowing you, you would still have risked your life to save Harper!"  He mocked.

"And can you blame me?  You would have done the same if it was your brother!  And besides, everything was going well until you came and made your own conclusion!  Your parents weren't the one who took Harper.  Yet, your hatred clouded all reasons and you did what you did best, become vicious!  You did not even asked what was going on, you just attacked!" 

Knox moved away form me.  "You weren't supposed to be there in the first place!  Didn't I promise you that I will bring back your sister to you if you would just listen and trust me.  But no, you betrayed my trust.  Rhett, the warriors, and I have Harper's location already and were on our way to that forest.  But Nadia informed me that you were missing.  I mind linked you and what did you do?  You blocked me despite my pleading.  Do you know how scared I was?  If you did not mention that you were with Harper, I would not know where to find you."  He punched the wall and I gasp.

"I am sorry.  Please do not hurt yourself.  I am still glad that I was there in that cottage before you or you would have murdered your own parents with your own claws."  My tears came on cue.  I feel so bad.  He is making me feel everything is my fault.  Is it?

Knox looked at me and softened but in seconds his fists curled  and his anger is back.  He stormed out of the room just like that.

I sobbed.  I touched my belly.  Oh my little pup, we will be okay, I promise.  

Rhett, Nadia, and Vino came in.  I tried to hide my tears but they won't stop falling.  Nadia embraced me.  "Lyanna, I am glad you are awake.  The king has not been himself lately.  Give him time."  She said.

"He is so mad.  He hates me, Nadia.  He did not even ask how I was nor touch me."  I grieved.

"My Queen, the king was devastated with what happened.  He felt so bad because he pledged to protect you and yet it was him who hurt you and brought you close to death.  He could not handle the guilt and the desperation."  Rhett added.

"King Knox almost lost sanity to have learnt that you and your pup almost died because of him.  He punishes himself by pushing away everyone he cares for."  Vino shared.

I suddenly remembered everyone.  "Harper, Alpha Magnus, and Luna Amanda, how are they?"  I inquired.  The three of them looked away.

"Tell me!  Do not hide things from me, please!"

"My Luna Queen, the three of them are in the dungeons as order of the king..."  Rhett disclosed with heavy heart.

"WHAT?!"  I pulled the nodes and wires from my body.  Nadia and Vino panicked and tried to stop me.  "Do not stop me or I swear!  I will go to them and release them!"  I cried.

"You won't get near the building, Lyanna, the king has strict instructions.  Rhett tried to reason with him but he punched him for this.  Vino received twenty lashings for accompanying you to the forest.  All the guards the day you went missing were demoted rank.  Myla was fired.  The king will not listen to anyone.  He only listens to his rage.  I am so sorry."  Nadia started to cry now.  "Please, you are not that well yet, think of the baby.  Rest now, fight tomorrow."  

I was shocked to the bone as to what Knox have done while I was out.  All the innocent people he punished because he was angry and disappointed with me.  I cannot just stay here.  I need to right this.

"How long have they been in the dungeons?"  I feared the response.

"Four day."  Vino supplied.

"Help me out of this robe.  I will talk to the Alpha King.  I do not wish to use my Luna command on you because you are my friends and I know you understand why I need to go to my mate, now."  

Rhett called the doctor.  The doctor tried to persuade me to stay but he lost.  Nadia and Nurse Janice helped me dress up and adjusted my arm sling.  They assisted me in my first steps but in time I could manage on my own.  

Small steps, small movements closer to the Alpha King.

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