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While I was sleeping those past few days, so many changes has happened.  Harper and Myla were transferred here in the castle in rooms one floor down the king's floor.  My belongings were also transferred here in the king's chamber.  I have learnt that Rhett's mate, Nadia, was the one in charge of buying me additional clothes, accessories, and jewelries.  I will not have a room of my own, Knox saw to it that the king and queen will sleep in one bedroom.  What did not surprise me anymore is the additional body guards assigned to me.  

It is sinking now that there is no turning back after tonight, my coronation.  I will be the Luna Queen.  I still could not fathom why the Moon Goddess chose me for this, for Knox.  I am nothing special.  I am just me.  I know overthinking this will just bruise my self-esteem.  I have to face what is in front of me now.  In a few hours, my fate will be sealed.

Three light knocks came.  I opened the door to see a beaming woman in her late twenties.  "Luna Queen, I am Nadia, I was sent here to assist you in your preparations." Nadia holds that commanding and yet diplomatic aura of an ideal beta female.  No wonder to this, since she is the royal beta female.  

"Hello, Nadia.  Please just call me Lyanna, no need for formalities if it is just us.  Uhm, Nadia, isn't it too early to start preparing for tonight's event?"  I asked out of confusion.

"Your highness, it is tradition that the soon to be Luna Queen bathe in the mystic falls.  Only royalty can enjoy the water of the falls.  It is suppose to cleanse your body and mind of your past to prepare you for what is ahead."  She expressed.

"Shouldn't the Alpha King be the one to take a bath there, like really soak and scrub his past?"  I was thinking out loud.  Nadia burst into laughter.

"I am sorry for laughing, my Queen, I mean Lyanna, but you are so amusingly on point!  Now I see why." 

"Why what?"

"I see why the Moon Goddess chose you to be the Luna Queen.  You have it in you to make the ferocious Alpha King laugh and hopefully to be truly happy for a change."  She went solemn.  She is devoted to her king just like her mate.

"Are you calling me a clown, Nadia?"  I asked in a serious tone just to tease her.

"Oh no, no!"  Her hands are waving in big motion just to emphasize her no.  I burst into laughter.  She realized I was just kidding and joined in the laughter.

"Speak casually, Nadia.  I do not have much friends here in the royal pack.  I feel we will be close friends."  I pat her shoulder.

"I would love that, Lyanna."  She smiled then went into shock. "Oh my goddess! He double marked you?  Wow, those are exquisite marks.  Wait, he DID double mark you!  Oh, your marks look queenly!  The playboy double marked YOU!"  Nadia got excited and quite redundant.

"You  are saying the same things over and over.  I realize double marking is rare, but your reaction is over the top."  

"The king is whipped!  You are the very first Luna Queen in all history to be double marked!"

"Ermmm, is that good, or bad?"  I got a bit worried.

"It's good!  It's actually great!  For common wolves, double marking is deemed brutal.  For royals, it is a manifestation that the Alpha King treats his mate not just as a treasure but his very life itself.  It's a declaration of his confidence in you that you will survive the pain of double marking because you are a fighter."

"I wish that was true.  Knox double marked me because I angered him and these marks are his pay back."  I confessed.

"Only time will reveal his true intensions.  Get used to the shocked wolves you will encounter when they see your perfect marks.  I am so delighted.  I can't wait for tonight."  She squealed.


Nadia and a team of female omegas and female body guards were my entourage as we proceeded to this mystic falls just west of the castle grounds.  

When we arrived there, a big white canopy covered with white thin drapes was set up for me near the falls.  The falls was beautiful but I could hardly see why they say it is mystic.  

Nadia enumerated the ritual which includes me dipping in the cold water butt naked.  I am not so excited about that part because not that I am prudish but if there is another way, then I'd rather be not totally naked.

But tradition has to be observed.  After the first rituals like offering flowers and fruits to the Moon Goddess, saying a prayer, and applying scented oil on my hair, Nadia and the others turned their backs at me to signal it is time for me to strip off my clothes and go into the water.

One by one I remove the thin clothing I am donned with and stepped into the water.  It is really cold but refreshing.  The sound of the birds and the swaying branches soothe me immediately.  I am now chest deep in the water.  I waded and enjoyed the feel of the cool water against my skin.  Strangely I feel light and at peace.  I braved to dip my entire body in the water.  When I surfaced and removed the excess water from my face, curious, fog enveloped the entire water falls.  Is this normal?  My heart quickens.

"Eeehhhhh!"  I screamed in terror as something tagged at my leg from underwater.   At instinct, I covered my breasts with my arms.  I turned over and over to see what will emerge from the deep.  Why is no one coming to check on me?

When I turned, there I see Knox, smiling at me, looking so hot as water drips from his hair, lashes, and skin.  "What the hell, what are you doing here?  I thought we are not supposed to see each other before the coronation?" I demanded an explanation.

"You are confusing this with the human wedding, little bunny."  He answered but his eyes kept jumping from my eyes to my cleavage.  The pervert!

It was like he read my thoughts, "I am your mate and I am entitled to look at my beautiful luna."  He came closer and embraced me by the waist.  His warmth made me swoon and yes I could tell he is naked as well.  "Be familiar and used to my touches, Lyanna, I don't have the strength to keep my hands off you anymore.  I will always want you.  Do you want me, too?"

His question caught me off guard.  Do I want him?  I got pressured.  "Like want you now, in this water?"  I clarified like a child.

His brows meet at the center then he cracked up!  The sound of his laughter is luscious.  He is catching his breath when he finally spoke again, "little bunny, I didn't mean as in now, but if you are willing now, who am I to refuse,"  he is so amused.  Great!  I AM his clown!

"Stop teasing me.  But now I could breath easily.  Knox, I do not want to keep on saying no to you.  I do want you but just not here, I guess."  I shyly replied.  He kissed my forehead then lifted me in his arms.  I panicked, "wait where are you taking me, we are naked," I reminded him.

"You and I, are shifting into our wolves.  We'll go for a run, and if we are lucky and we see a bunny, we will chase it together, my love."  He pecked my lips. "I will forever be thankful to that day when a little bunny enticed your sister into a wild goose chase and led you directly into my heart.  Your little sister is my angel and you are my everything."

My heart melts.  I pulled his neck closer and this time I initiated a passionate kiss.  We shifted into our wolves and had a wonderful run.  

When we returned to the castle,  a worried looking Vino approached us.  Seeing Vino reminded me of Yara.  What ever happened to Yara? 

"My king, my queen, you have guests and they will not take a no for an answer."  Vino said.

"And who the hell do they think they are to demand this from us?"  Knox irately asked.

"It is the former Alpha King and Luna Queen.  Your father and mother are here to meet the new Luna Queen."  Knox growled with Vino's revelation.

Wait, what?  Knox's father is still around?  And his come I didn't hear any story about her?

This day is going to be a long and eventful one.....

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