Ch 6. pretend

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The year started peacefully ( 9th grade )
That means, no drama and no Gabriel

I was really disappointed but no one had to know about it so I acted like I was interested in an other boy just to forget about him

Months later
More specifically one week before Christmas break
I learned that Gabriel and his gf broke up

I was shocked because I never knew he had a gf
He was always messing around with the popular girls

That's probably the reason why his gf broke up with him

But I don't care that they broke up
The only thing I care about is the fact that now I had a chance with him

Even if it was a small chance

It was lunch break
But me and the girls weren't really hungry so we just sat outside

While we were sitting on the tables outside a group of boys was coming to our direction

"Wait is that Gabriel??" Aurora said and hit my shoulder

I looked closely and then I saw him
He was with 3 more boys

I only knew 1 of them, Nathan

The group passed us and we all made this weird eye contact

I made eye contacts with Gabriel first
I could feel him stating at me with a weird disgusted look that made my confidence so low that I broke eye contact

When they left I heard a girl yelling his name and hug him

Only one girl at the whole school had this annoying voice

The most popular girl, with the worst reputation inside and outside of the school
She thinks she is the prettiest from all of us
Something that is not true

Vanessa is the only girl that makes me so mad
We were bsf once until she choose fame over friendship

When I saw them together my blood boiled
She was the only girl that I wanted to be 10km away from him

When they stopped hugging Gabriel looked at her confused, then looked at me and then looked back at Nathan

Then Nathan he whisper something to his ear and Gabriel looked at me with

Idk if it's a good smile or a bad smile
But it was definitely a smile

I want to smile back at him but then I remembered that weird eye contact

This thought made me so angry at him because he makes me believe that he hates me

Something impossible because I never did anything to hurt him

Moments later Charlotte grabbed my hand

"Amelia are you Okey??" Charlotte asked

"Yes why are you saying that..." I asked confused

"You just look confused and angry at the same time...."
"Is it for Vanessa..?" Charlotte asked

"!!, why should I be mad at her..I'm mad at him" I said and by him I mean Gabriel

"Why you are mad at him?" Aurora asked

"Because he hates me for no reason..!" I said and picked my bag

"But why you care what he thinks...didn't you got over him..." Charlotte asked and followed me

"Yes I did but he has no rights to hate me for something that I never did!" I replied to Charlotte

"Yeah....whatever.." Aurora said with an ironic look and followed us to the class

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