Ch 13. news

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"A M E L I A!!!" Luna said and came running in the Changing rooms

"what happened!!??" I said while trying to calm her down

"Do you know Levi" she asked and sat down

"Obviously, he is your bf" I said confused

"Okey perfect" she said and unpacked her bag

"Do you have amnesia or something" I replied to her

"Can you let me say the story please" she said and put her point shoes on

"Yes go on..."

"Okey so Levi told me that Aaron heard Nathan and Gabriel talking about you during practice" Luna said excited

"Wait...what...when" I asked and got up the stairs

"In the practice after class" Luna said and entered class

"They probably didn't say anything important" I said

I knew that Gabriel probably got mad with me

And I literally ruined any chances of talking to him again....

What have I done

"Why, what happened in class...?"
"IT can't be nothing" Luna said

"Yes it stop because the teacher is coming" I said

"Don't talk to me like this" Luna said and started the bar combination

- • - • - • - • - • -

The next day I woke up with a terrible feeling

I was so anxious about what happened yesterday that I didn't even eat breakfast

I wore grey sweatpants and a dark blue sweater
I wanted to wore my new jeans but we had P.E.

"Amelia we are going to be late" my mom yelled

"COMING" I yelled from the stairs

Before I could even go down the stairs I heard the front door close

"Can't this woman for 2m..." I said whispering

I wore my shoes and entered the car

Minutes later Charlotte entered the car

"Hey Mrs Sophia!"
"Did you hear the knews" Charlotte said

"What news...." my mom said

"We are going on a 5 day school trip on NY" Charlotte said clearly excited

"Really...Amelia didn't tell me anything.." my mom said while looking at me from the mirror

"Yeah...I was going to but.." I said clearly nervous

"I'm just kidding, you can obviously go!" My mom said and stopped outside of the school

"Thanks mom!" I yelled and closed the door


Author's note

Small boring chapter but somehow I needed to connect the next chapter with the yeah

I hope you are enjoying the book

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