Ch 18. trip

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It was the day of the school trip
I had to wake up really early because our bus was leaving at 7am and it is a 5 hours drive

Instead of waking up with my alarm clock like every normal person does Nathan woke me
He literally opened the door of my room and started yelling
My mom had probably opened the door and let him in

I got dressed and Nathan drive me to school
He got his driver's license one week ago

I wore the most comfy clothes that I could find
Packed my suitcase and left the house
We were 30m late but who cares

We parked and entered the bus so we could have good seats
The first thing I noticed was that Amelia wasn't in any of the 2 busses
I decided to keep the seats behind us so they can sit when they come

It was almost time to leave when we heard 3 girls screaming
It was Amelia, Aurora and Charlotte

When I saw them I texted Amelia and told her to come to the bus that I was in

When she noticed me she made a confusing face and started walking to our direction

She entered the bus and waved at her to come to our direction where me and Natha were sitting
"Why do you want her to sit behind you" Vanessa said and rolled her eyes
"Why do you want to have an opinion on everything" I asked
"He is right" one of her friends said and got back to sleep

Amelia finally reached our row "Were we could sit" she asked

Before I reply I noticed that her hair was different, they were curly and for first time she had no make up on
You could see her freckles and her beautiful red cheeks
Her eyes had the perfect colors as the light of the sunrise was directly on them

"I have saved two seats behind us" I said and showed the seats
"But we are 3" she said
"Don't worry I'm going to sit here" Charlotte said and sat to the row next to us with Lily
"Okey then" she said and came to sit behind us with Aurora

Before Aurora could sit on her seat Nathan spoke "Aurora can you come and sit with me so we can talk"
"Talk about what..." Aurora said annoyed
"About...Luca.." Nathan said
"Ohhh yes ofc Luca!" Aurora said and sat in the seat where I was sitting

"And where am I supposed to sit" I asked
"Next to Amelia obviously!" Nathan said and forced me to sit down

The first 2 hours Amelia fall asleep to my shoulder
It wasn't something unexpected but I was still shocked
For 2 whole hours I didn't move but when she woke up I could see her embarrassment in her eyes even though that I told her 100 of times to not to worry about it

The last 3 hours of the road trip were my favorite
I learned everything about her
I didn't knew that Amelia was such a talkative person
I learned stuff that made me fall in love with her even more

She told me about her music taste and her favorite lyrics
Her favorite books and movies
We talked about school drama and yhe fact that we both hate Vanessa
She told me about her stuff bunny that she sleeps with every night and a lot of other stuff

Meanwhile Nathan and Aurora were talking about Luca and the fact that their going to spend a whole fortune for shopping during out trip

We reached at the hotel and we found out that mine and Amelia's room were two doors away

The whole day we were walking around the city with the tour guide
But the only thing I could think about was her and what she was going to wear tonight at this fancy restaurant

I knew that this trip was my only chance to make a move
And I was going to do
Because Amelia became an addiction that I never thought I would have


Author's note

I will post one chapter per day
Also I'm trying to make big chapters but I don't think it works

Also this Chapter took ages to write without reason 🥲

I hope you have a great day

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