Ch 25. secrets

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"WHAT THE HELL" I heard a woman screaming
Before I could realize what was happening I saw my parents looking at me like I was crazy
"Gabriel wake up my parents are here" I said with a sleepy voice
"What....who..." Gabriel said
When he made eye contact with my father he pushed me away and got up

"That wasn't every nice" I said and looked at him
"I'm sorry princess" Gabriel whispered and gave me his hand

"Can you explain us what is going on" my mom asked furious
"It's not what it looks like I swear" "Your daughter felt dizzy and I didn't want her to be alone" Gabriel said and touched his neck awkwardly

"When Amelia told us a surprise was waiting for us I didn't think about a half naked man sleeping with my daughter in our couch" My mother said raising her voice and looking at me angrily

"I think its time to go" Gabriel said while putting on his sweatshirt
"You think?" My mother said with an ironic tone and closed the door
"WHAT THE HELL" My mother yelled again

"Don't rase a voice at me" "But I don't care I told you that no boys are allowed on this house" "So for this you are grounded" my mother said and sat down

"Your mother is right" my father said and opened the TV
"If you say so" I said and got to my room

I knew my mother didn't mean any of this
Or I hope she didn't mean any of this, because she is never so strict
But I didn't really care, I wasn't going to hear to her stupid rules anyway

It was around midnight and I was watching TV in my room when I got a message

Gabriel: Meet me outside of the house in.                  10 minutes
Me: But I'm grounded don't you remember
Gabriel: I know that you are going to find a.               way out
Me: Okey fine but where are we going
Gabriel: Secrete.....😊
Me: You are annoying

I got dressed with a per of shorts and a tank top with a deep neck line
The only problem now was how I was going to get out

"Mom I'm going to sleep" I yelled from the stairs
"Goodnight sweetheart" my mom replied
Before I got back to my room I went to the storage room so I can take the ladder and place it down my window

The mission was a success, I got down to my backyard and hide the ladder behind the fence

Then I heard a car coming and run quickly to the front so Gabriel can see me

The car stopped and the driver opened the windows, it was obviously Gabriel
"Come in princess" He said and unlocked the doors
"So happy to see you" I and kissed him passionately
"Me too" he replied and kissed me back

During the ride Gabriel was touching my thighs, this time I didn't resist his touch and for fun I moaned his name
"I love when you are doing that" He said and grabbed my thigh tighter

When he parked the car I realized where we are
"Wait is that Sunrise beach" I asked surprised

"This is the place i realized I didn't actually hate you" Gabriel said and looked at me
"You sound stupid" I said with a small laugh

"It's not stupid it's the truth" he said and grabbed my hand
For the whole night we were swimming and talking under the clear sky that you could literally see all the stars shinning

"God my clothes are now wet" I said when I got out of the ocean
"I can help you with this" Gabriel said smirking

"How?" I asked even though I knew what was going to happen next...and I wasn't even scared
Gabriel came closer and took off my tank top and now I was only left with my bra
"May I" I asked before I take his shirt off

He kissed me passionately
"Your taste is killing me" he said moaning in my mouth
He started touching all of my body until he reaches my lower back and eventually my pants
He placed his around my waist and my body tensed

"Take it off" I whispered in his ear

I got broke the kiss and saw him staring at me with a smirk and then his hands unbuttoned my shorts and throw them in the side with the other clothes

"Happy birthday" he whispered
I checked the clock and it was past midnight that means I was officially 17

"You remembered" I asked and made myself comfortable on his lap while I had my hands around his neck

"Of course" he said and started kissing down my body
"Consider this as a birthday gift" he said while kissing my and his tongue and fingers traveled all over my body

I would kill to feel all this again
His touch was magical and his tongue was doing miracles on my body

Suddenly everything stopped
"What happened" I asked confused
"We have to go we have school in less than 5 hours" Gabriel said while he was still kissing me

"But I don't want it to end" I said with a sad tone on my voice
"There is always the weekend" He said smirking and got me off his lap
"Fine...." I said and rolled my eyes "But you own me one more night" I said and put my clothes on
"As you wish princess" He said and opened the car door

I got back to my house safely and placed all the stuff I got back to their place

I took a shower and entered my room
"What are you doing here" I said surprised

"I am your mother you think I don't know when you sneak out off the house" my mother said and got up from the chair

"I didn't do anything bad" I said clearly lying
"We will talk about this tomorrow" "And also happy birthday" my mother said closed the door disappointed
I didn't care that much about my mother right now

The only thing I could think of was my birthday celebration this weekend and the fact that Gabriel promised me another magical night
That we will be alone
Doing anything we want how we want

And everything is going to be perfect
I love Gabriel....not just love, I feel something more for him that I can't even express

This feeling is scary but every time I see him all the scary feelings go away and I'm getting lost in his beautiful eyes
With him I'm not scared of anything

I truly love him even if I don't show it that much
Author's note

I'm preparing something.....and it's coming soon
Idk if you will like it but anyway

Also i forgot that I had to post today and this is like a last minute chapter...

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