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Me: sorry for like shutting out for a while! It's just that I needed to catch up on school and such. Anyways I got the girls picked!!!!

Stereo Kicks: Ryan! Your back!!!!!!

Me: Yes I am now Reece I got a girl for you, she likes to dance but shy at first, she is really funny, and outgoing. If you get on her wrong side oh boy! Anyways she has blonde curly hair, her eyes are blue like the ocean. She will not share her Nutella ever! But maybe with you, and plays guitar. Her name is GeorgiaMurray8

Reece: when do I get to meet her? (He smiles grows bigger)

Me: hold your horses der boy! You have to wait till I finish this chapter. Now Barcs your girl is outgoing and a bubbly person, she is crazy smart! She is a major dancer, loves to do crazy things. He name is SophieCooper1

Reece: can you please tell me when I'm going to meet her!?

Barcs: yeah me to please Ry!!?

Me: nope not until I finish the chapter. But I got something for you guys to do, what is your best pick up line?

Casey: If you were a burger from MacDonalds you'd be a McGorgeous

James: my phone is missing something

Me: what is it missing?

James: your number

Chris: kiss me I'm Irish

Reece: my name is Reece but you can call me tonight

Barcs: guess what I'm wearing? That smile you gave me

Jake: are you an Alien? Cause you have abducted my heart

Tom: baby gimme your number before I don't want it no more

Me wha?

Charlie: I like Legos, you like Legos. Why don't we build a relationship?

Me: smooth very smooth! But mines better. Is your dad a baker cause you got some nice buns.

Casey: and I thought my line was worse.

Me: Not even close! I like that one.


Sorry for the wait...

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