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What if jiang cheng falls for wangji too?
Who would sacrifice whose love?
Who will win wangji heart?
Who will leave broken?

A war between Jiang cheng and Wei Wuxian...

A fight for winning an omega heart...


This going to angst story with a love triangle...

Maybe it would be a threesome... Not sure...

Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian are like brothers... Their parents are good friends...

Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian are different from each other...
One likes to do fun while the other is grumpy.

But one thing is common between them... What if one of them like something... Then it is sure the other will like it too...

Even they like the same thing... They would share... They never fought because of anyone...

They know each other... And like a brother figure for each other...

They both are alpha but still, they are kind...

They are so possessive and protective of their family...

They have a big sister... Jiang yanli... Yanli treats Wuxian like his brother...

They both love their sister a lot... They can fight with anyone for their sister...



Lan wangji... The second prince of Gusu... A social butterfly... Loves to prank people... He is the pie of his uncle and his brother...
He is an omega but his fighting skills and knowledge is no joke...

He has a twin sister lan yiyi, they are twins but they look different from each other and their habits and nature are different.


Wei and Jiang's families come to gusu... Lan Qurien welcomes them... Jiang yanli's marriage is fixed with lan xichen... Wei Wuxian and jiang cheng come along as their lovely sister's marriage going to happen.

They will stay for 2 weeks as they want the bride and groom will know each other more...

Both Wei Wuxian and jiang cheng's eyes fall on the girl who is standing beside lan Xichen...

Both get lost in the girl's beauty...the omega girl's scent is too sweet...

"Sorry, sorry... I am late..."
A figure ran toward them and greet them...

"This is my nephew Lan wangji...  Wangji why did you come late? You know na they are coming..."

"Sorry uncle, I was feeding my bunnies..."
Yibo replied with a pout...

And uncle Qurien can't resist these puppy eyes and cute pout of wangji...

Wei Wuxian and jiang cheng breathe stop after seeing this beauty... They look each other and screamed in their mind...

'Beauty!!!! How can someone that beautiful...'

Lan Qurien said to lan disciples to show them a room... And then he turn and said with Jiang and Wei families...

"After getting fresh... Come for lunch..."

They nodded and lan disciple show them their room...


Wangji is playing with his bunnies... 'ji and wu'

His soft hands are patting the bunny's back...

Wuxian And jiang cheng are walking then their eyes fall on the beauty who is playing with bunnies...

They are staring at wangji like they want to devour him...

Wangji saw them, he put the bunny on the ground and approach them and ask...

"Do you two need anything"

"You " both replied together...

Lan wangji widen his eyes... Both are still looking at wangji...



What do you think
What would wangji reply?
Will wangji give them a chance?
Who will win wangji heart?
Will wuxian and jiang cheng's bond change after this?
Who will leave broken?

Want to know more... Stay still with me... I will try to update it...

Happy holi to all my Indian sweethearts 💙💙💙...

I thought to write a love triangle story because DeepakKamath7 once said to me to write a love triangle with Angst...

Hope you all will like the other parts too... And tell me do I continue this story?

Enjoy your day guys...
Meet you all with the next part... And tell me who wants me to update my Zhangfu or my hope soon?

Thanks for reading 📚

Love you all ❤️

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