Chapter 1

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Before starting the chapter I want to tell you it would be a very short story... Maybe 4 chapters would be there...


"huh?" wangji widen his eyes at both remarks...

"I want you to be mine," both said together...

"Hey, cheng-cheng, he not gonna be yours... He is mine... He is your brother-in-law..." Wuixan said possessively...

"What!! Hell no!!.. He is mine and he would be your brother-in-law..."
Jiang cheng replies to him back...

Both argued until Wangji yelled...

"Shut up both of you... I do not belong to either of you... If you want me... Then win my heart..."

Saying so... He left and didn't turn to look at two friends...

"Jiang cheng... Wangji is mine... You will get someone... I always let you use my things but this person only belongs to me... I will make him mine... Even if I have to fight with you..."

"Same Wuxian... I will do anything to make him mine"

Both left from there for some rest and plan how to make wangji their...

Plan 1 ( Jiang cheng)

Wangji is sitting near the cold pond when jiang cheng approaches him...

"Wangji what are you doing here? Alone in the night..."

"Alpha Jiang... I was doing nothing... Just admiring the beauty of the night sky... Do you have any work?"

"hmm... I have "

"What is this that I can help you with?"

"you have my thing... Which you stole from me..."

"huh... Are you calling me a thief? What I stole from you?"
Wangji angrily asks as he felt Jiang cheng trying to put a false assertion...

While Jiang Cheng smiles... For him, wangji is looking like an angry kitten... He just wants to squeeze him...

"My heart which you keep it... And breathe too when I saw you... I just want to say take care of my heart which you have..."
Jiang Cheng ends this statement with a flirty wink...

And our wangji can feel the heat on his cheeks and can feel his ears turn red...

"Ah-ahem... I think someone calls me..." Wangji excused himself and immediately run from there... Leaving an alpha behind to laugh...

Jiang Cheng laughs at wangji state...and he fucking loves it when wangji gets shy... He looks adorable... He looks like a cute puppy when he looks down with a blush...

Wangji runs inside the library... He can still feel the heat on his cheeks... He mumbled some chants like a cute child does when he feels scared...

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