Chapter 4 - (End)

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Everything seems blurry for him, Wangji never looked at Jiang Cheng Since he arrived at the venue... Wuxian was too sad... and somewhere he was angry with himself. But everything is fair in love and friendship.

Jiang Cheng's eyes fixed on Wangji, since the moments his eyes never diverted from Wangji. He stares at Wangji...

Jiang Cheng turns his legs in the opposite direction of the venue. This sudden act confuses everyone. People's eyes were stuck on the Wangji & Jiang Cheng.

Wangji stares at Jiang Cheng with bewilderment. What's going on in his mind? Isn't today their marriage? Then why he is taking him somewhere else...

Jiang Cheng took Wangji in front of Wei Wuxian, who was standing in the last.

Wuxian & Wangji stares at each other. Wangji's tears coming from his eyes. He wants to scold Wuxian. Why can't he fight for him? On the other hand, Wuxian wants to console the poor Wangji, but his mind is repeating that Wangji is not yours anymore, you lost a gem.

"Wangji, Do you remember that day, when I promise you that I will always make you happy?" Jiang Cheng uttered softly... his Eyes were fixed on the Wangji, the latter was confused. But he decided to hear out the other. He slowly nodded as he remembered that Jiang Cheng promised to make him happy when he flirted with him.

"Wangji, I know I am not your happiness. You have never loved me once. You only have Wuxian in your heart. I know you love him, not me. You know, today I am going to sin... I am going to separate two lovers... even after knowing their love story. I am glad to be that person who put some knock on my brain to let me realize my mistakes." Jiang Cheng stopped and looked at YiYi, who motivated him to say more.

Even though, the words feel heavy he knows it's a fact. His mother blackmails Wuxian for him. And he is going to snatch his brother's love. But Now he realizes his mistake. Thanks to that person who knocks some knowledge into him.

"I am not for you, Wangji... Wuxian is the right person for you. You two are soulmates. And this is not fair to two separate soulmates."

Wangji's tears fell continuously, Wuxian was so proud of his brother. But he was guilty that someone took steps for them instead of him... who should fight for their love?

"I am sorry brother," Jiang Cheng gives a small smile to them. Wuxian was proud of having a friend like Jiang Cheng.... he muttered thanks and went to approach Wangji but Wangji ran from there without giving him a chance to speak....

Wuxian looked sad but he knew he deserved this... He hurt his love. Jiang Cheng put his hand and said.

"Go and fix the mistakes."

These words motivated him. Wuxian ran after Wangji to apologize for his silliness.

On the other hand,
Jiang Cheng looked Broken but it was fine till his friend like Brother was happy. Madam Yu also felt guilty for her deeds. She knows her son is disappointed with her, but she is the mother and a mother always wants happiness for their children, even though they have snatched other happiness.

Jiang Cheng also left the wedding hall and went to the garden. He was upset. Then suddenly he felt a hand grab his arm, he turned and saw Yiyi, Who looked at him with love and respect.

"Well done, Cheng potato."

"Thanks." He sadly uttered. Yiyi came close to him and pecked his cheek and said...

"Want to have a child with me?"

Jiang Cheng almost got a heart attack. Before he can act, Yiyi pushes him a little and runs from there while giggles. Jiang Cheng smile and touch the area where he got a kiss. Maybe it is not bad to move on.

Wangji is walking fast, trying to avoid Wuxian as much he can... But Wuxian also following him like a stubborn kid.

"Lan Zhan Stop!! I am sorry..."

"Sorry!! A single sorry. Why other fight for us? But not you? I am disappointed."

"I am sorry Lan Zhan... I am scared... please give me one more times. I will proved myself.... there is nothing more than you for me."

"Nope... there is everything in Your priority. And at the last I came." Wangji yelled. Wuxian pulled Wangji in a hugged. Wangji try to break the hug but Wuxian is hugging him too tight.

"Lan Zhan, I am saying truth. I love you... I care about people but not more than you.... You are my everything."

Wangji seems to be calm now. Wuxian pulled Wangji into a deep kiss. He licked, sucks and bites his lips. He is doing everything to torture Wangji's lips.

When both break the kiss... Wangji was breathing hard for oxygen. Well Wuxian looked like a dedicated individual but trust Wangji, he is a beast when it comes to sexual desires.

"I will forgive you at one things." Wangji said

"What's that?" Wuxian is ready to do anything.

"Marry me today and also you have to kiss me in front of your parents too."

"Anything babe, if you want I can suck your dick in front of everyone. But I am possessive to show this cute dick to anyone."

Wangji blushed and hit Wuxian's chest. Wuxian chuckled and hugged Wangji.

After few mins~~~

Wuxian is standing in front of Lan Qiren, asking for Wangji's hand. Lan Qiren wants to oppose but then he agreed because he also care of Wangji and he know Wangji loves Wuxian too.

And finally, Our Xianwang get married, and also Wuxian completes his wifey's wish to kiss him in front of everyone.

Everyone feels shy because of the shameless creatures... Lan Qiren almost fainted but Xichen was there to save him from falling on the hard ground...

Jiang Cheng really happy for the couple... he also shyly stared at Yiyi who winked at him. And this thing is not hidden from anyone. Maybe another wedding will occur too.

After the wedding ceremony~ Xianwang Went toward their room for their love making and throw out me from the room cause his baby is shy. They will come out when they are satisfied with their Love making.

Wuxian: Yahh!! Close your kiddos. My baby is shy!! Get lost.

Wangji: Wei Ying, They are staring at me.  *viewers staring at Wangji whitish chest*

Wuxian: Ahh, bitches.

With that Wuxian closed the door at the face of the viewers...😉


Finally my this story is completed. Hope my dear readers enjoy reading this story. I thought to make it long, but I don't have much times. Hope my writing didn't disappoint you.

I am also thinking to complete my short stories. So which short story you want me to complete now?
1. Mr. Mafia.
2. Forever you.
3. Date breaker

Thanks for waiting. Hope you all like this story and leave your review to let me know.

Love you sweetheart~~😘

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