chapter 3

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Author pov.

Wuxian was so confused. But suddenly a memory flashed when Madam Yu saved his life. That day, he thought he was going to die but Madam you took the attack on herself. That day, he swore that he would do anything for Madam Yu, She is a kind lady.

Finally, after thinking for a while, he decided to sacrifice. He loves Madam Yu as her mother, and also he thinks of Jiang Cheng as his brother. How can he harm his brother? They never fight with each other for anything. It's fine, he would sacrifice his love for his brother's happiness and his mother figure Madam Yu.

His heart wants to cry about his miserable situation. He loves Wangji but he has to leave him for the sake of his friends.

If he chooses Wangji, then their parents' friendship might affected too...

What is this play of destiny?

next morning,

He woke as usual but his smile vanished somewhere, like it didn't exist more.

Today he was not excited to meet his love, he wanted that time to be stopped for them... so they could enjoy as much as they wanted. But it isn't possible. They can't belong to each other...


Wangji eagerly waits for his lover. As soon his eyes landed on Wuxian, he ran and hugged the latter... Wuxian was sad, he didn't return the hug... he separated himself from the hug and then uttered.

"Wangji, We are not meant to be together."

Wangji was shocked as a 360-bolt current fell on him.... what did he do? Did he offend his lover?

"Wuxian what happens? You can't leave me? You love me so do I. Please tell me, maybe I will fix the things between us."

Wuxian's eyes were covered in tears and said
"I am sorry Wangji... I love you. But Jiang Cheng also loves you. He was so stressed because he didn't get the love. Yesterday, Madam Yu told me that... and told me to ask you to marry Jiang Cheng. They do a lot for us. I don't want to ruin my parent's friendship."

"Am I that worthless? You didn't even think to fight for our love.... and now you come to sacrifice our love... how can you take decisions on behalf of me? Who gives you that rights? I will never love Jiang cheng even through other like me. My heart and soul belongs to you... please be with me. Fight for our love."Wangji said painfully.

Each words is so hard to speak. He is already hurt to hear this all from his lover. Wuxian was hurt too. But he always thinks about it before himself.

And right now, he is thinking the same... he is giving reason that he doesn't want to ruin their parent's friendships. Don't want to depress Jiang cheng. And He wants to return the favours of Jiangs. But in this process, he forgets that he is hurting his love, Wangji. When will he learn to think about himself? You can't be selfless all the time... other may took advantage of your innocence....

"I don't want to ruin "


Wangji was tired of Wuxian's bullshits. He left from there. But he knows his hearts beats for Wuxian. No one can bring spark in his heart.

Wuxian was already a crying mess .

"I AM SORRY, Wangji."

Few days laters~\

Wuxian & Wangji doesn't even try to talk... wangji was too angry, and Wuxian was too guilt and embarrassed.

One morning,

Lan clan receiver a red card, where Jiangs asks for Wangji's hand for Jiang Cheng... Lan Qiren is happy to hear. And he agreed to the marriage without even consulting with Wangji.

And Wangji got to know about it, he got angry. Yeah in anger, he said to marry Cheng. But his heart is beats for Wuxian. He can't marry another person. He get into a arguement with his uncle.

But at last, he has to agree with his uncle. The news spreads in cultivation world. And when the news reaches to Wuxian. It broke him from the core.

So finally his Lan Zhan decided to move on. Well he deserves better guy unlike him.

Wangji's try to meet Wuxian, but this time, Wuxian avoid Wangji, like he doesn't matter to him.

Sooner the wedding days come~

This day is painful for Wuxian but he still want to see how his cute Wangji look in red clothes.

Lans Clan arrived at the Lotus pier. Jiangs Welcome soon to be their In-laws... Jiang Cheng come to grab Wangji's hand but Wangji come out from the carriage.

Wangji face was covered in veil, but his eyes show how sad he was by the whole scene. All come the inside the Marrige venue. Everything looks so beautiful and elegant. Lan Qiren is happy to fix Wangji's  marriage with Jiangs. He doesn't even care about Wangji's feelings.

Yiyi Saw her brother sadness. She was upset for him but she can't oppose her uncle. Xichen also can't oppose his uncle. Uncle is like their parents. And which child oppose his parents. Yanli put her hand on Xichen shoulder and say "everything gonna fine"

Xichen nodded but he know nothing gonna fine. After this marriage everything gonna destroy.


Hi guys,

How was the chapter?

Short yet exciting?

Enjoy reading and sorry for late update but I am very busy with my schedule. I had only sleep for 2 hours. I am so tired.

Hope you guys enjoy it.
Don't forget to vote.

And enjoy reading.📚

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