just a study session

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J-hopes pov:

I'm going to y/ns house! I can't wait to see what it looks like on the inside. I followed y/n to the door. She has one of those locks that had a code. She put in the code. 9512. I'll remember that... She opened the door and invited me inside I looked around her house. It wasn't super messy it wasn't super clean tho. I smiled and pulled out the supplies we needed for our project.we went to her room. I looked around noting where everything was. She sat on her bed and I sat at the desk.

"Let's get started" we started working on the project. It wasn't that hard but it still took us hours. It was about 10 pm when we finished. I got up and walked to the living room

"Where are you going hobi"


"You should stay here tonight. It's to late for you to go home. It could be dangerous out there." She really cares about me no one has cared for years... I will keep her close to me

"Are you sure you're okay with letting me stay?"

"I'm positive I don't want you getting hurt"

"Thank you y/n I appreciate your kindness" I grabbed my bag and walked into the bathroom. I grabbed my bag and took out a small mic

"Y/n can I do something I here"

"Yeah sure do whatever you need"  I set it up almost behind the mirror but under it where it couldn't be found. This is for her safety. I then brushed my hair and walked out of the bathroom.

"Do you need clothes?"

"Yeah I didn't bring any with me" I chuckled and put my hand on my neck

"Alright I think I have you covered " y/n walked into her closet and pulled out some long sweatpants and a hoodie.

"Is this okay?"

"Yeah that's fine thank you "

She handed the clothes to me and I went into the bathroom to change. The clothes fit me surprisingly well. I look in the hood of the hoodie I was given and saw Jin's name. I'm not surprised that she has his clothes. I'm just confused why she let me wear his clothes.  I walked out and put my hands in the pocket.

"Thank you for the clothes y/n"

"Yeah no problem"

"Question did you buy these pants for Jin?"

"Well kinda I bought a few different sizes and pairs for all of my guy friends. None of them really bring clothes over so I decided to buy them so they don't have to sleep in there boxers"

"Oh that's nice of you" I smiled and looked around the room again

"So where am I sleeping tonight?"

"You can either sleep with me in my bed or on the couch "

"Couch sounds uncomfortable but I'll sleep there"

"If you ever want to slip into my bed you can. I don't want you to hurt your back because of the couch "

"I appreciate that thank you"

"Well we should get to bed we have school tomorrow. Thank god it's Friday" I laugh a little at what y/n said and go to the couch. I look at my phone lock screen which is my old best friend Kim taehyung. I wonder if he still remembers me. I would always protect him and help him any way I could. But we grew apart... And well we never saw each other again. I go to my messages and open a new chat with Jin. I got his number from y/ns phone


Hobi: hey is this Jin?

Jin: I'm sorry but who is this?

Hobi: it's me Jung hoseok

Jin: oh hey how did you get my number?

Hobi: y/n gave it to me

Jin: oh Well I'll put you in my phone

Hobi: alright!

I turned off my phone and looked at the ceiling. I wonder what she's doing right now. I mean I could go in there and say my back started hurting but I don't want to be a creep. Well... Any more of a creep. I was laying there for about an hour or two then my back actually started hurting... I grabbed the pillow I had and walked into y/ns room. She was sleeping soundly she looks really peaceful when she's sleeping. I snuck in the bed and faced her. I could hear her soft breaths. I closed my eyes and eventually fell asleep.

The next morning: j-hopes pov

I was woken up by y/n shaking me

"Hoseok it's time to wake up" I opened my eyes slowly and looked at y/n she had a strand of hair dangling in front of her face. I sat up and went to the bathroom. I put on my uniform and got ready for the day

"Y/n don't forget about our project we worked so hard on it"

"I've got it dont worry" y/n and I grabbed our bags and once again left for school. A few classes in I realized that y/n and Jin were talking A LOT and it was starting to bug me a little... Namjoon tapped my shoulder and I looked at him

"Can you talk with me for a second"

"Uh yeah sure namjoon"

We got up and made our way to the bathroom where I saw v and suga.

"Uh guys? What's this about?"

"I know who you are Jung hoseok" I looked at v with confusion

"Yeah you met me a few days ago"

"We've known each other for a long time you know..." I'm so confused I don't think I've ever met him

"You know why I introduced myself as v?"

"No I don't"

"My real name is Kim taehyung" my eyes widened as I looked at him.

"No you're not... Dont pretend to be someone your not..." He handed me his phone and showed me a picture of me and him together on a swing...

"Tae..." He nodded

"Yeah it's me. It's been a long time. Since we were in elementary school"

"Where did you go..."

"You nearly killed me hoseok. Don't act like nothing is wrong!"

"I-I didn't mean for it to happen..."

"But it still did. I have a scar because of you. I just want you to stay away from y/n I don't want you hurting her the way you hurt me" I looked at suga and namjoon hoping that they would say something. But no... They said absolutely nothing...

"I'm not staying away from y/n she's my friend and you can't keep me away from her"

"Look if you go near her or hurt her just know I will tell everyone what you did to me back in elementary school I will make everyone hate you. This is a warning " tae walked out of the bathroom and I was left there in disbelief. I can't believe he's threatening me to stay away from her... If he's a threat to mine and y/ns friendship then he's going to be a target... I smiled and walked back to class. When I got there y/n was waving at me to come over. I look to my left and say tae looking dead at me. I walked past him and sat next to y/n.

"Hey y/n"

"Hobi are you alright? You were gone for a long time"

"I'm alright I just had to do something" y/n smiled and compared our hand sizes

"Your hands are so tiny y/n" I laughed and held her hand

"Well at least they're cute!"

"That's true" I saw tae get up and walk over to Jimin. He whispered something in his ear and Jimin gasps. I know exactly what he just told him... So I guess it's starting all over again... I got up from my desk and walked out of the classroom. I ended up walking home.

"you're mine" yandere jhope x fem reader BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now