you're alive!

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Y/ns pov:

It was the next morning I saw the light of day peeking in the room. I wonder if hoseok is going to go to school... After a long time the door opened. Hoseok dropped his bag and walked over to me.

"Y/n princess" I froze

"You were the unknown number..."

"Hey you finally figured it out" I tried backing up but my feet were chained to the bed.

"Oh you want me to take them off?" I nodded slowly and he looked at me

"I'll see what I can do." He leaned over to my legs and loosened the chains. I tried to kick him but he caught my foot

"Y/n I just loosened them. Don't make me make them tight again."

"Get away from me!"

"Princess I'm going to be here a lot... You're going to need to get used to it."

"Leave me alone... Please..." He kissed me and he put his hand on my thigh.

"I want to spend time with you. Oh I have an idea."  He took off the restraints and I got up running for the door. He grabbed my hair and pulled me back. I let out a yell and he grabbed my arm. He walked me over to a bathroom that had a shower in it.

"Take a shower. I'll wait right here I'll look away but I'll be in here"

"I Don't want a shower "

"Y/n take a shower. I bought you clothes. I have an idea I think you'll like"

"Fine..." I took off my clothes and he looked away. I got in the shower and started washing my hair I had my eyes closed so I didn't get any soap in them but I still wasn't sure if I could trust him... For all I know he could be looking at my body... I finished washing my hair so I got out and wrapped a towel around me.

"Can you get out while I change..."

"No. Tell me when you're done I'll stay looking away don't worry." I quickly got dressed. I was wearing a long hoodie and a skirt. I hate to say it but it was kind of cute... I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned to me

"You look great y/n"

"Thanks..." He grabbed my hand and took me out of the room I was locked in. It was pitch black where I was... I don't know how .. it was day time when he came in. I guess there was no windows around. He unlocked a door and once again it was really dark.

"Guess who's here"

"I don't want to hear it hoseok." I pulled away and ran over to the voice. I hugged him immediately

"Jin! You're safe!!!"

"W-wait y/n?"

"It's me I'm here"

"What did he do to you! Did he touch you in any way! Are you okay!"

"I'm okay... I feel so much better knowing you're safe.. " j-hope walked over and pulled me to him. He turned on the light and grabbed me by the waist. I looked at Jin and he was furious. Then j-hope kissed me.. and it wasn't just a quick one... It was long and I could tell he wanted Jin to be jealous... I tried pulling away but I couldn't. He's to strong... Jin started crying. J-hope stopped and pulled away for air

"I told you she'd be mine."

"You bastard! She doesn't love you! She never will!!"

"It's funny you say that. She already offered her body to me" he covered my mouth and held a knife to my back.

"Isn't that right princess"

"No! I didn't have sex with you nor do I ever want to!" I felt the knife start slicing my back.

"Don't lie for Jin's sake." He gave me a death stare.. I would rather die then be here

"I'm not lying!" He threw me to the floor and grabbed the hoodie I was wearing.

"You're going back to your room. I knew I shouldn't of brought you in here!" He picked me up and I held my hands out trying to get to Jin. But I couldn't. J-hope slammed the door and brought me back to my room he put me on the bed and chained me up again. I tried to get away but I just couldn't...

"You've been bad y/n. You don't get to eat tonight." And just like that he left. I started crying... I don't want Jin to get caught in this... He needs to get free... Maybe if I say I'll be with hoseok he will let him go..  I doubt it tho. He's not dumb. He probably knows Jin will go to the police and tell them every little detail. I was alone for the rest of the night so I tried to get some sleep...

Next day

I guess I slept all day.. because when I woke up I saw j-hope getting up. He looked over at me and saw my eyes were open.

"I made you food y/n"

"I'm not hungry..." Im going to try to starve myself it may be a painful way to go but... It will get me out of this hell...

"You need to eat"

"I don't want to"

"Eat or I kill one of your friends." I looked at him and could tell he was dead serious.

"Fine..." He started feeding me. It wasn't that bad but it definitely wasn't Jin's cooking... After a few minutes my eyes got heavy. Did he really drug me... I fell asleep

J-hopes pov:

I gave y/n some sleeping drugs I needed to move her to a different room. She knows where to go if she escapes. I brought her to my spare room. I'm going to be sleeping in the same room as her from now on. Y/n was sleeping when I set her down. I made sure there was no way out of this room. I sat at the desk and looked at my phone. Y/n walked behind me and put her arms around me


"Hm?" I spun around and she sat on my lap. I blushed and looked at her

"So you're finally realizing your feelings"

"Mhm I don't want to fight them anymore..." She kissed me and I kissed back. I'm so happy... I knew she liked me. She's finally showing me her feelings.

"Are you thirsty y/n?"

"A little"

"Alright I'll go get you some water." I got up and left the room. I locked the door before I left just in case

Y/ns pov:

I tried to open the door but it was locked. Of course... I feel disgusting... Kissing j-hope... And telling him I have feelings for him... Jin will never know of this. Im only doing it so I can leave this room and get him. I heard j-hope coming back in the room so I sat on the desk. When he opened the door he was holding a glass

"Here you are princess"

"Thank you" he walked over to me and gave me the glass. I drank it and he smiled. He lifted my chin and looked in my eyes.

"You're so beautiful y/n" I smiled

"I love you hobi"

"I love you more princess" he kissed me and I kissed back. He lifted me off the desk and brought me on the bed.

"What are you doing hobi?"

"Nothing I just want you to be comfortable" I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him closer.

"Is tae tae still alive?.."

"He is yes. Why?"

"Can I see him" he looked at me. He was clearly confused. I think he thought I was going to start something... I moved my legs away from him. He took my hand and walked over to the desk.

"Wear a blindfold" he handed me one and I put it on. He picked me up bridal style and walked me into a room. I couldn't tell where I was but I knew we went down stairs. When we got in the room he took off the blindfold and I opened my eyes

"you're mine" yandere jhope x fem reader BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now