let's go

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Y/ns pov:

Today is the day. I know the layout of the house so I know how to get out. Hoseok was at school right now so I need to make my move. He forgot to lock the door so I snuck out. I went down the stairs to the basement and saw tae tae. I ran over to him and cut the ropes that held him.

"We're getting out of here come on" tae looked at me and got up quickly.

"Where is Jin?"

"We need to look for him. We have two hours before hoseok comes home." Me and tae looked almost everywhere. But we didn't see Jin. There was one room we didn't check and that was the room next to mine... I opened the door slowly and saw Jin sitting in a chair with cuts all over him. Taehyung and I ran over undoing his binds. He rubbed his wrists after we set him free and he stayed sitting there

"Jin we have to go come on!" He just looked at me

"Why do you care about me. I thought you loved hoseok"

"Jin what..."

"I saw what happened between you guys."

"Let's talk about this on our way out! Times running up"

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Jin it was a lie. Y/n was putting up an act so she could get on his good side."

"I doubt that she looked like she really liked him"

"Jin you know I wanted to be an actress when I was older. I've been practicing now please... Let's go"

"I don't believe you y/n." I kissed Jin passionately and took his hand. He blushed. I grabbed both of their hands and we got out. We started running. not knowing where we were going. But we knew all we could do was run. After about an hour we all stopped for a breather. We were just running on adrenaline. All the running was catching up to us.

"Y/n we need to keep going"

"Hold... On... You guys keep going I'll catch up with you guys" taehyung nodded and continued running. Jin walked over to me and put his hand on my face.

"We need to go... "

"Jin I can't run anymore..."

"Please y/n do this for me"

"I'll try..." Me and Jin started running again hand in hand. I started to see some buildings. When we got over to them I held the wall and started breathing heavily. Jin was taking deep breaths trying to get in as much air as he could. I looked at the wall of the building and thought it was very familiar... Oh no...

"Jin we have to run!"

"Why what's going on?"

"We're at school! Hoseoks going to be leaving any minute!" Jin looked at me.

"Y/n run... Save yourself"

"No I'm not leaving you" Jin was on by the corner of the building. He grabbed my hand

"It's to late for me... Run y/n..."

"What do you mean its to late!!!" I started crying. Then I saw what he was talking about... A knife was sticking out of Jin's back... I fell on the ground and started crawling backwards I saw hoseok walk around the corner and look at me.

"You have been bad y/n..." He covered my mouth and started pulling me back into the woods. I was kicking trying my hardest to get back to Jin trying to run to him. Trying to tell him I love him one final time... But I couldn't... I felt so weak... Hoseok has caught me... This is going to be the end of my life... Either he's going to kill me or I'm going to die living with the worst person I've ever met... He dragged me back to the house and locked me in the basement where tae was held... I saw his blood everywhere... I'm scared... I'm alone... At least tae tae made it out alive... Hoseok opened the door and walked down

"You need a punishment... You betrayed my trust. I believed you loved me."

"I'll never love you! Especially after what you did to Jin!"

"It's always about him!!! You don't even notice what I did for you!"

"I didn't ask you to kill for me! I didn't ask for you to kidnap me!"

"I'm giving you all the love I can!" He pulled out a gun and pointed it at me. I froze... Is this the end? Am I going to die here? I'm sorry Jin... I'm sorry tae... I'm sorry guys...

"You don't love me."

"Of course I do! I'll do anything for you y/n I killed for you. I just want you to accept me!"

"It's not going to happen." He shot. I got hit in the leg I screamed in pain and he just looked at me...

"Say you love me y/n."

"I refuse!" And again. Another shot this time hitting me in my arm.

"Say it!!!"

"No!" He grabbed my hair and made me look at him.

"Say it or everyone you know and love dies."

"I-I love you..."

"Good girl." He dropped my head and started tending to my wounds.. I wish he would let me bleed out... I just want to be free from this hell... Someone please... Save me...

"You should be fine" I stayed silent

"You're sleeping in here tonight. I'll see you in the morning" he left the room and I just laid on the floor. I want Jin back... I shouldn't have tried to run... If I didn't he would still be alive... It's all my fault... I curled up in a ball and cried all night...

The next day:

I looked at the door all night hoping that the police or someone would burst in looking for me... But of course no one came...

"Y/n wake up" I didn't answer.

"Ah I see giving me the silent treatment"

"Well thats okay. I changed all of the locks you can come back in our room now" he changes so fast... He shot me a few times last night and now he's acting like nothing happened... He walked down the stairs and picked me up. I don't want to go... He brought me back to our room and sat me down on the bed

"You shouldn't of tried to run"

"I wanted to be free from this hell. Can you blame me?"

"I know you were faking it. But it was nice... It was nice to feel loved. For someone to care. " I looked over to him and he locked eyes with the floor.


"I told you not to call me that."


"I just wanted you to love me y/n"

"This isn't the right way to get me to love you"

"Please... Give me another chance... Let me treat you better."

"Hobi. I'm not giving you another chance. You killed the love of my life" he pulled out a knife and cut my thigh.

"Hurting me isn't going to make me love you... I'm sorry but I don't think I'll ever love you." He cut deeper into my thigh. I held onto my leg and bit my lip.

"Kill me if you want. Just know I'll never love you..."

"Oh y/n... I'll never kill you... I'll make sure your mine forever..." He forced another kiss and got up he put the knife back in his pocket and walked out of the room. Shit... This hurts...

"you're mine" yandere jhope x fem reader BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now