Did He Call Me Darling?

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I was packing my things when Professor Holland said my name right next to me. I jumped a bit and turn around. He was smiling at me when he said: "You didn't have time to show me the painting you were working on." he was looking at me with his brown eyes. They are even more beautiful when he's this close. "Miss Y/l/n?" I heard his voice again. " Oh um... I'm sorry, I was just thinking about something. Well um... Here it is" I handed him my painting and smiled at him. "Are you ok miss Y/l/n? I'm sorry but you seem a bit off..." Great. My hot teacher just told me that I look horrible. "Yeah, no... I just... Bad day I guess." I looked him in the eyes and tried to smile again. "If you wanna talk about it I'm always here ok? You know where to find me" he smiled at me again and my heart melted. "Wow, your painting is really good. Like every time. I can tell that you really put your whole heart in what you're doing" he said, still looking at the painting. "Yeah. I was drawing since I was little but don't really believed in myself. Now that I'm here I'm starting to think that maybe I really am good enough. I love what I'm doing and I'm glad you can see it in my work." I started smiling. It made me so happy when I heard what he just said. "You thought you weren't good enough? Why would you think that? You're my best student. At art work and on history too." God my heart is literally melting right now. I forgot all my problems. "You really think?" "I do, darling. When I say something like this I really mean it." Darling? Did he really just call me darling? He finally looked at me with his cute, soft smile. "It means so much to me. I'm not really used to someone telling me that they like my work. It's really nice to hear that. It really does mean something for me when you say it" "So I'm more special than anyone else?" he said with smirk and my heart jumped again. He laughed at my reaction and then said:"Oh don't worry darling I was just joking. I just don't get how no one appreciated your art till now. They are really great." he said looking back at my painting. "Let's just say that my family doesn't really care about my art work. They are more into basketball that my brother plays." Professor Holland saw how I looked down at the floor. "Oh I'm sorry to hear that. I didn't know that. They should definitely appreciate your art way more cause I think it has some future." "You really think?" I asked him and my eyes were like two little stars. "Yes I really do, darling." he smiled at me again. I swear to God if this man calls me darling one more time I will melt right here. "Well. I don't wanna waste your time any longer so I'll just let you go now." He handed me my painting back. "You're never wasting my time, professor" I smiled at him with my sweetest smile. "Good to know that. See you tomorrow." he said and smiled at me for the last time and I felt like I was really melting. "See ya. Goodbye professor." I turn around and walk out the door. This was definitely my worst and best day ever.

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